Chapter 4: Sweet Mommy ✔

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  A week has passed since we began school and I fell into the routine of homework and studying

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  A week has passed since we began school and I fell into the routine of homework and studying. I didn't talk to Chris anymore, but that didn't stop him from following my every move, winking at me every time our eyes met. I needed to explain to him that whatever history we had was long forgotten. Call me a bitch but I just couldn't stand him and his smug face.

"So what movie should we watch tonight?" Asked Heather, entering my room with two giant bowls of popcorn and several bags of chips, a plate with a pyramid of cookies on it and juice bottles. I hurried to carry some of the food.

It's Friday night, and it's a tradition for me and my sister to watch a movie while stuffing our faces with junk food. It's the only day we're allowed to eat it anyway, my mom's pretty severe when it comes to processed food.
" I think we settle for a horror one? It's been a while since we watched one."

I proposed setting the food on my mattress.

My sister glanced sideways at me and grinned a wide grin.
"The scarier the better."

I replied with a grin of mine and we started doing our wiggling eyebrow thing. We burst into laughter at our ridiculousness.

Oscar sat perched on my closet watching us, and I opened my arms for him.
"Come to Mommy baby!"
Hopping on the bed with him in arms and balancing all the food on the bed sheets, we started watching the movie.

By the end of it, I was a little scared and I kept looking at the shadows in the corner of the room expecting to see a silhouette or a pair of eyes watching me. Heather was totally unaffected and calmly licked her fingers of the remaining crumbs of barbecue potato chips. I was a little jealous that she wasn't scared at all. But It was like that every time. Oscar was long asleep on my lap

When we go out of the room to put the plates in the kitchen we found mom still sitting in the sofa, talking in the phone. Her using French indicated that she was talking to her family, most probably grandma.
She stopped when she saw us and said:
"Oh good you girls are still awake, go clean the kitchen and do the dishes. Your dad is coming late. I'm talking to your Mami and she's sending you des bisous."
My sister and I shared a look of annoyance. If you think talking on the phone at 10: PM and leaving the dishes for your daughters is strange then welcome to the Kingstone household. We didn't dare refuse because it would result in a rant that would probably last three days non stop, and she would ruin our next movie session.

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