Chapter 38: When they reemerge

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"Iris ma chérie, talk to me, you've been silent for a week and it's scaring me

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"Iris ma chérie, talk to me, you've been silent for a week and it's scaring me." Mom said while going through the rails of colorful dresses, shooting me a worried grin.

It wasn't my first time visiting this clothes store, not for what they sell, but for how it looks. I always thought it could only be described as flamboyant, a palette of random colors that somehow complimented each other. And I didn't miss a chance to take a look everytime I was nearby.

But right now, it felt bland and dull as a concrete wall. It wasn't really surprising given that I was an emotionless slo-mo moving corpse -to put it mildly. I was a shrunken dim shadow of myself and if I could conjure up the energy, I would also worry about myself.

So in response to my mother's words, I lift a shoulder lightly in a manner that says 'deal with it', then avert my eyes looking at the passers through the shop window.

My mom shoves four dresses in my arms pulling my attention back to her, then puts her hands on her curvy hips, her lips pursing into a grim expression.

"I excepted fits of anger or ugly crying but nothing, nothing at all! How are you attending prom like this?" She exclaims, and if it were a week ago I would've had a sarcastic remark ready, or a 'fit of anger', but instead I attempt to roll my eyes which probably looks like I just blinked.

Why was I going to prom you ask? An event I always openly disliked?

It was because of my friends. They'd tried so hard to cheer me over the past week, showing unannounced with food, or taking me places. Sapph even checked my Goodreads and bought me a bunch of recently released books I was waiting for.

I truly appreciated their efforts, feeling a twinkle of happiness at the thought of having people that were there for me. But I couldn't help but feel a little smothered because all I wished for was the sleep the pain off. So when Sapph and Nat bought me a ticket and abandoned their dates so we can go as a trio, I accepted. A single night where I could pretend I was fine, then leave when everybody's too engrossed in dancing to mind me. It would make it easy on everyone, I would be left alone in my dark pit of a room and they would stop worrying about me.

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