Chapter 13: Arranged Marriage ✔

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Project sessions continued

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Project sessions continued. Asher and I has gotten to be kinda friends. He wasn't terrible at all, the more I saw of him, the more I wanted to know more. 

His dark past issues were still a huge point of interrogation. 

 Earth to Iris!" Nat said suddenly, nudging my shoulder.  

"Um... what?" I raised my head. Six pairs of eyes were watching impatiently.
"What was the question again?" I said, embarrassed.
"DAYDREAMING AGAIN." They said all at once.
"Iris darling I knew you love me so much you daydream about my sexy face." Jacob said cocky as ever, I laughed and threw at him my water bottle lid.
"No you idiot, just studying." I didn't lie, right?
"Unbelievable." Sam shook his head. Sapph just smiled.
"Did that studying include a certain History Project you refuse to give us any details about?" Nat teased me.
"What no! I wasn't thinking about him!" I blurted out.
"Him? Who said him?" Ben said, smirking.
"Oh... OH... our little Ris is crushing on her assignment partner!" Sam said, raising his finger to the air like he made the discovery of the century.
"What? No! He's just a friend!" I screamed. I mean I might, but I won't because of very obvious reasons.
The whole table was laughing so hard at my embarrassment.
"Oh don't pout Ris. Looks like you need the giant Hudson hug." Jacob joked, before realizing what he said.
A chill fell on the table. Hudson...
He was still refusing to talk to us. 
"Whatever..." I said.

I was on my way to calculus class with Sapph, since her next class was nearby. She was awfully silent, and I caught her throwing me weird looks.
"Hey! What's wrong?" I said.
"I wanted to talk to you about something so can you come after school?" She asked in a small voice.
"I have to go to Asher's for the project, if I don't finish early I'll call you, okay?" I said. "Just whatever it is, it will be alright." I squeezed her shoulder. She gave me a little smile then waved heading to her next class.

I was sitting again on Asher's bed-we were too tired to take it to the library or a coffee shop- my hair held with a pen, wearing an oversize hoodie and leggings. I was turning my notes into a coherent paragraph. And trying not to look at the view of the guy in front of me stretching, his muscles showing. I'm just looking, it's hard not to, even if he's got a serious girlfriend. 

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