Chapter 27: More, more and more

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 Seeing my friends so happy that I showed up definitely eased the tension

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Seeing my friends so happy that I showed up definitely eased the tension.

Not that Hudson didn't get a vicious pinch on his cheek for lying to me about the coffee shop.

Despite my best efforts I couldn't help but notice that both my best friend and Sam looked terrible. Sam was looking longingly at Sapph while she ignored his existence.

I expected to feel jealousy or a pinch of hurt, but all I felt was sympathy and a little bit of guilt for being the reason why my best friend was denying herself a chance to happiness.

Jacob, Ben and Nat apologized earlier when I came in with Ash, saying how the group is incomplete without me and recounting the times I was there for them. I couldn't stay mad at them. We were all good after.

Now, standing next to Sapph at the "bar" -Jacob insists we called it that- the awkwardness was back full force. It was making my hands sweat and my right eye to twitch.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

"Yeah." her eyes moves quickly to something in the corner of the room. "I'm fine." she smiles weakly.

I followed her gaze, and there stood Sam leaning on the wall watching the crowd with vacant eyes.

"Go talk to him." I said with my 'I mean business' voice. Sapph's eyes widen.

"No- I mean- I can't, I want our friendship back."

"If you want our friendship back, you have to go talk to the poor guy, I can't just sit and look at you denying yourself what might be the best thing to ever happen to you!" I take a breath, collecting myself. "Besides, you don't have to worry about me, I've moved on." I smile, thinking of how Ash had been by my side all night. Where was he?

"I-" she starts protesting.

"I swear to God Sapph I'm gonna drag you to him by your pretty eyelashes." I threatened.

"Fine." She laughs, and a heavy weight lifts off my chest. "But if we rebuild our friendship, can you promise to tell me everything about you and Ash?" She said sheepishly.

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