Chapter 12: Dangerous Game ✔

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It's so frustrating when you're trying to remember a specific memory but then you're lost deciding if the memory is real or a simple product of your imagination

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It's so frustrating when you're trying to remember a specific memory but then you're lost deciding if the memory is real or a simple product of your imagination. 

I was searching through the tangled mess that is my memories for an indication, a link that could convince me that Eddie was in reality Asher Parker. My memories of that time were supposed to be blurry, but all I kept collecting were imagined images that were way too clear. I mean I do recall a lot of stuff but I couldn't remember exactly how Eddie looked like. 

I was trapped inside my head...

It's been going on since that car ride. I couldn't stop thinking about it.
After his revelation, I stayed lips sealed, barely noticing the road in front of me, until we got home. He didn't talk either. I just couldn't accept that Eddie, my Eddie was sitting right next me, that I hadn't recognized him, I even hated him for quite sometime now. 

I admit that during a long period of time, I thought countless times about what it would be like if Eddie returned back, but I never pictured him as Asher. I imagined him shy, sweet and gentle as he was, I imagined that we'll be returning to our tree house, enjoying how far it was from all our problems. 
Seems like life really enjoys surprising me...

I was so distracted these previous days that I was behind in several lessons, and I had a ton of homework to do. Call me a nerd if you want, but I was always in advance in school work, I was always in control, knowing where I was going, and what I'll be doing at least two weeks before. 
I know you think I'm weird, because I do too...

I was getting ready to go to Asher's for the History project we had. I needed some harsh advice, and I know who can give it to me.

"Heather?" I asked as I came in her room.
"Yeah, maybe." She said. She was in a video chat with one of her friends. Typical Heather...
"HEATHER!" I said louder, she jumped.
"What is wrong with you sis??!" I grinned.
"Your face is annoying, tell me what you want already." She said, rolling her eyes while a little smile stretches her lips.
"I'm going to Asher's for the project." I said in a voice that screamed "HELP!", I already told her everything about him, because even if I'm older than her, she was wiser than me.
"Listen you big head, just be yourself. You don't have to treat him as a friend because -as you said- he's not the same kid anymore, all you have to do is treat him as a class fellow and just study for god's sake!" She said.
I thought about it for a solid minute.
"Yes you're right, I'll just deal with it that way." I said, determined.
"Of course I'm right, you senior girls have more cleavage than brain." She teased me.
"Hey I don't even have that much, you weirdo." I said, laughing.
"Oh but of course miss-I-have-curves-but-I'm-too-self-deprecating." 
"Wow Heather you know a four syllable word, you're not same." She attacked me with a small pillow that I dodged and run away laughing.  

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