Chapter 30: What Kingstons Do Best

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 While Asher seemed to get along pretty well with my friends - although he was quieter in their presence- he hated Sam

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While Asher seemed to get along pretty well with my friends - although he was quieter in their presence- he hated Sam. He didn't pass a chance to deliver jabs at him, ignore a question of his, or glare at him.

Sam obviously noticed and joked lightly today 'Your boyfriend sure doesn't like me'. He probably thought Ash still held on to their first encounters.

I've been ignoring it trying to maintain our state of pure contentment, telling myself it was normal for him to be a little jealous but it's been two weeks and I had enough.

That was why we were now arguing about it in the parking lot.

"Yes I'm over him but he's still my friend, and hell, he doesn't even know I had a crush on him!" I yell, frustrated at his unchanging opinion.

"Well what if roles were reversed and I was still friends with Angel, seeing her everyday and laughing at her jokes huh?" He replied, a vein popping in his temple. He was angry, but oh boy, so was I. He knew I hated his little nickname for her.

"It's not the same! You guys had reciprocated feelings for each other! You kissed before, slept together! Oh don't look at me like that, I know you did! And you don't see me bitching about it!" I yell back.

"Maybe but Sam is your type! He's exactly your type. Chris too! And I'm nothing like it so excuse me if I'm bothered about this!"

"Say you don't trust me when I told you 'I'm over him' and move on already!" I slam my car door shut, getting in and he does the same.

The car felt so compressed with tension I could almost imagine the roof popping off.

We drive in silence until I say coldly.

"Don't you think I feel the same about 'Angel'? She's everything I could never be but guess what? I'm not being immature about it."

I see his hand reaching for mine but I move it to the steering wheel, refusing to acknowledge his presence for the rest of the drive home.

I was beyond mad, he was completely blinded by his jealousy. I couldn't understand why he wouldn't trust me. I kept the contact with Sam to a minimum, I wasn't affected by him anymore, I was putting my all in my relationship with Ash and it hurt to know that he was questioning my feelings. I never did his.

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