Chapter 11: Oh sorry Beyonce ✔

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I couldn't stop stealing glances at Asher in the Cafeteria, his girlfriend's words repeating themselves in my head

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I couldn't stop stealing glances at Asher in the Cafeteria, his girlfriend's words repeating themselves in my head. How could that be? I saw how he fought this guy in the parking lot, also, he wasn't bulky but very muscular, from his broad shoulders to his big biceps that showed through the fabric of his hoodies. Then again he could have started working out recently. I swear this guy is too complicated for his own good...

Her words replayed again in my head:
"Listen Iris, I saw the hostility between you and Asher and I know that you must hate him for the way he treats you. He told me you helped him several times and that he was grateful but just understand that Asher has a very dark past. The only thing I can tell you that he was bullied back in DC. Which explains the incident with the guy he fought with, he was trying to intimidate Asher. It might be for the best if you just understand that he is so closed off. I'm telling you so you understand him a bit, and maybe even become friends, he needs those here. I'm worried that he's all alone."

I admired how she was so secure in her relationship, and I truly admired how she cared deeply about him as to she willing to encourage another girl to become his friend. 

But he was bullied? How many pieces of the puzzle do I still need to get the clearer image of Asher? How can it get any more complicated? 

He noticed me staring at him, and he raised a questioning eyebrow. I rolled my eyes, nonchalant, like I haven't been trying to laser my way through his head to know his deepest secrets. 

All of a sudden, all noise stopped on our table, I raised my eyes and saw Hudson, an arm around his infamous girlfriend. The very one that he stopped hanging out with us for her sake. I shot her a look and immediately froze. 

Hannah freaking Taylor. I shot a look to Sapph and Nat to find them staring right back at me mirroring my expression of shock, while the guys were too busy ogling her. Our human sized teddy bear was dating her

I mean I understand, she was pretty, really pretty, with her Megan Fox kind of look, toned body and too dressed up for school. I mean we all love a good makeup look for going out but a full face with eye shadow that takes about two hours everyday to school? Man I hardly put three makeup products on my best school days. 

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