Chapter 19: A PARTY! (part 2)✓

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I felt so refreshed after finishing my cup of punch, my burning skin finally cooled down a bit

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I felt so refreshed after finishing my cup of punch, my burning skin finally cooled down a bit. It was so scary how a three letters word delivered from Sam's mouth can get me so worked up. 


It wasn't the first time I'd dress up for a party -though it wasn't a usual thing for me but I liked having fun with my friends- but it was the first time he'd say something like that. 

I lean against the table and watch the crowd of bodies dancing, the neon lights making the scene look like colorful fractured glass. Then I saw Sapph approaching me waving her arms frantically. When she reached me she screamed into my ear. 


"WHERE'S NAT?" I yelled back. 

"TALKING TO A CUTE GUY!" She smirked at me then pulled me to the center of the room. 

I moved stiffly at first, not knowing what to do with my hands, but then a song comes on and I turn to Sapph, excitement climbing up my body. 

"Oh my god!" we scream at the same time. 

You see, back in middle school we went through a latino pop songs phase when we were trying to learn to dance, and this song was one of them. 

We looked at each other laughing, knowing full well the moves because it was our favorite. 

We went through the whole songs, our moves identical, shaking hips, leaning forward, throw hair back. It was kind of daring, but in there under the lights, in the middle of the dancing bodies, I felt in my own world, not caring the least about who's watching. My heart beats merged with the loud music to create a new feeling of freedom, so I closed my eyes, and danced


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