Chapter 34: Problems Arise

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"Excuse me?!"

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"Excuse me?!"

"Yes, you heard me." Ash crossed his arms and steeled his gaze.

"Look Ash, I love you and I know that it's been hard on you lately but you can't ask me that, he's my friend."

I was trying so hard to be understanding, despite the other part of me fighting to get out, and my demeanor getting defensive by the minute.

It has been five months since Ash and me started dating, and he still wouldn't let go of his jealousy towards Sam.

"No actually I can, I can't stand him and his stupid perfect fucking smile, and how close he stands next to you, and how he touches your hair playfully. You let him touch your hair Ris! So yes, I want you to stop hanging out with him, stop being friends with him."

"Ash, you have to stop, you don't tell me what to fucking do." I breathed through my nose, trying to contain my anger. It wasn't working.

"No I-" He began.

I snapped.

"No you listen to me, I've been so understanding to your little fits of jealousy Ash, blaming it on stress because of applying to universities and finals approaching. But you don't fucking tell me what do! Okay? Because I'm going to get fucking real mad. So why don't you deal with your insecurities without projecting them on me every fucking chance you get!" I get in my car, while avoiding the eyes of the few students still the parking lot.

The school's parking lot has officially became our fighting spot, I'd tolerate Ash's little fits the whole day then explode in here. It was getting exhausting to worry about the applications and if they were enough to get a scholarship on top of these futile jealousy problems.

Truth be told, I was so scared, all the time. I was applying to study business administration when I hadn't an ounce of interest towards it. It was too late to think about studying English literature to become a writer. My parents wouldn't let me anyways.

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