Chapter 36: Hope

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I let the door slam behind me

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I let the door slam behind me.

I couldn't wait to roll in my sheets and never emerge.

I pushed my siblings' toys with my foot without looking down, too drained to make even the smallest of movements.

The past 3 weeks consisted of long sleepless nights, living off coffee and cookies, and studying until I passed out on my desk.

And as I exited the exam hall after the last test, it was all worth it, I haven't hesitated or second guessed anything, which made me so happy.

Not right now though. Right now I needed three days of uninterrupted dreamless sleep.

The door of my room almost looked like the gates to heaven, and I could almost hear my bed calling out to me with an angelic voice while extending its hands to embrace me.

"Iris Belle Kingston!" my mother appeared in front of me, arms crossed and her eyes fixing me with a glare.

My shoulders slumped even more and I almost start crying.

"For the love of God and everything holly, mother spare me, I need sleep." I fake sobbed, while clutching the stair railing.

"You finished your finals and you couldn't even-"

"-even call me. Do you know how worried I was? You stupid child!" I finished for her. She said the same thing for the last three days. "I'm sorry mom, I forgot to call you because I was busy hurrying to come home to sleep." I also said the same thing every time.

"So I take it everything went well? Great! Now we need to talk." She replied.

"Anything can wait until I wake up." I went past her to my room and she followed me, closing the door behind her.

"Stop the nonsense Iris! Je suis sérieuse. Why are you not glued to Asher like usual? And why is he refusing to come in everytime I invite him for coffee and pastries? He loves my pastries!" She rambled, and I massage my temples.

"Because he was studying? Or avoiding to get diabetes at 18, that could be an explanation too."

"Exactly! You don't know! What did you do to drive the poor guy away? Huh?" she puts a hand to her hip, meaning serious business.

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