Chapter 8: fright after fright✔

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Have you ever experienced the after-anger state? When you feel so empty and hollow, like the light ashes after a bonfire? So emotionally tired that you just want to fold yourself under the shower and stay for hours? 

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Have you ever experienced the after-anger state? When you feel so empty and hollow, like the light ashes after a bonfire? So emotionally tired that you just want to fold yourself under the shower and stay for hours? 

As I came in my dark room, I was unable to think, or even to remove my clothes. I hated myself for letting him get into my skin and provoke this kind of reaction in me. I hated that his words made me question myself, and question who I was. But then, I have so many sides that it's difficult to know which side I'm questioning.

I went out on my balcony to have some fresh air, when I saw him on their lawn, a red dot between his fingers. A cigarette. I wanted to throw my plants pots at him for looking so calm while I was still shaking. I was a fool for not listening to my own advice, and staying away from him. A fool. 

The following morning passed in a blur, I activated the robotic mode. Smiling when necessary, talking when obligatory, but most importantly blocking any kind of unwanted thoughts.
At lunch, Sam and Hudson were with their teammates, Sapph missed class because she's sick. Ben, Jacob and Nat were copying some Calculus homework they didn't do at home. Lazy butts... Which left me alone.

I had my ear pods on, listening to an audio book. A fantasy novel, obviously.
I was so absorbed in the imaginary world of royal blood families fighting over the throne, and mere mortals hungry to the bone. I missed a presence in front of me, It was Chris, smiling at me from across the table. I stopped the audio book, slightly disappointed. 

"Hey Chris." I smiled back.

"Hey beautiful! How are you?" He gave me his charming smile. We chatted about school and random things and I'll have to admit, he made me laugh several times.

I liked the way he looked at me like I was so important, the way he drunk all the words like they were a rare magical script. Was I stupid to like another guy that saw me like a little sister? But feelings don't really bow to logic much to my dismay .

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