Chapter 21: The Knife of Betrayal

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"MOM!" I knew what she was doing since I saw the ear buds on her ears.

She made a big show of removing them slowly then lifted her gaze innocently at me.

"Yes? you were talking?" She said. I was sure my face was mirroring how the very thin thread of my patience was about to snap.

"What honey? You and your sister are constantly giving me the silence treatment, those earbuds always in your ears, I'm always repeating myself for you to hear me, you'd think you two are doing on purpose." sometimes? She seems to read in my eyes and I look away. "It's only fair that I do the same."

"Mom seriously I'm always listening to something because everyone is so loud, and because I actually enjoy what I listen to." Was I wrong for finding her childish? She always acted like this, like the time we argued about my siblings touching my stuff and she gave them my iPad to play with the very next day. Or when I had plans with my friends but she refused to let me go just because we argued about a couch Dad bought that I liked, but she accused me of saying that just because I always take his side.

"Mon dieu, seven people live in here of course it's loud, and I listen to 'stuff' I like." she argued, I rolled my eyes.

"You were listening to Taylor Swift's latest song, I heard it. And I know you hate pop singers except Lady gaga and Adele." I cross my arms, knowing my argument is pretty solid.

"What do you even want coming into the kitchen, your shoes are dirty, I just spent an hour cleaning the flour." very subtle change of the conversation mom.

"I wanted to tell you that I'm going with Sapph to buy Christmas presents after school." it had been weeks since I was alone with Sapph, since the night of the party I saw her dancing with Sam, when new doubts concerning my friends started to surface. Doubts that still made me busy myself with school work and make excuses to not go out with them. Sapph proposed this shopping trip yesterday on the phone, and unless I explained to her why I was avoiding her -which I wasn't really ready for- I had to accept.

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