Chapter 15: Am I a Joke To The Universe? ✓

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I pushed at his chest, slamming him against a locker in the hallway

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I pushed at his chest, slamming him against a locker in the hallway.

"Who the fuck do you think you are?" I yelled at him gesturing in the air with my hands.

I was angry.


Beyond angry. Miles away from angry.

I was enraged.

"I invited you to my circle so you feel less lonely sitting there like a lost fucking puppy!" I hissed at him between gritted teeth, and he dared to look at me back determined, jaw set.

"I didn't do anything wrong Iris." He matched my angry gaze not flinching one bit.

15 minutes ago:

"Do you know why Iris is a coffee bean?" Aiden said, everyone groaned he continued.

"Because she's GROUNDED!" Then started laughing alone while we gave him unimpressed looks.

I appreciated how he tried to lighten the mood after Jacob snapping at us, but the joke is just horrible.

We just sat to have to have lunch in the cafeteria, we started talking about Jacob's problem with his parents, when he snapped a "Stop I don't want to talk about it" loudly enough to make silence fall on our table.

After Aiden failed attempt at lightning the mood, Jacob started complaining about his potatoes like nothing happened.

"Ugh! Why would they give us these hard plain potatoes?"

He turned to me and said:

"Mash my potatoes woman!"

"How about I mash your face with my fist." I replied, narrowing my eyes at him, pointing my plastic fork at him.

"Ooh she's feisty!" Sam wiggled his eyebrows at me, making me laugh.

It's a crime to be that cute.

I didn't realize I've been staring at him long enough that it seemed weird until Nat nudged me.

My eyes snapped to her quickly hiding my embarrassment at being caught staring. She gave me a knowing smile and gestured with her head to the right.

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