Chapter 5: France On a Plate ✔

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We were meeting early at a new coffee shop, Sapph, Sam, Nat and I

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We were meeting early at a new coffee shop, Sapph, Sam, Nat and I. The others were too lazy to show up. I was early as usual, not because I wanted to, but to go out before mom wakes up.

The coffee shop had a minimalist and cozy aesthetic . The smell of coffee, vanilla and a tinge of cinnamon filled my nose and I just knew this would my favorite spot for a while. I ordered a double-espresso and sat on the table by the window, watching the city as it wakes up, sipping at my coffee. I was so engulfed in the brown shades of color, and the black goodness on my tongue, that I missed a bright yellow on the corner of my eye, until Sam pushed the chair in front of me. He ruffled my hair and sat with a steaming hot latte in hand, and I couldn't tear my eyes off him, his tan skin and curly brown hair and melted chocolate eyes, and my heart drummed in my ears when he directed that dimpled smile to me.

"Good morning beautiful!" He said and I couldn't reply right away, my senses too wild and my mind too numb.

When I managed to shake off my daze, I pinched him for ruining my hair then we proceeded to talk about random stuff like his progress in the basketball and boxing teams -he is THAT athletic-  while sipping our coffees and a selfish part of me wished we could stay in that bubble longer.
And during a comfortable silence he said out of the blue:
"We really should do this more Iris, just us you know? It's nice and you're a good listener. I like it."
I was a bit disappointed that I'm only a good listener, but the way he said my full name and the seriousness in his tone made my disappointment vanish into thin air, and I fought to find something to say other than I like YOU. I replied lamely with a nervous smile:
"Yeah sure why not." He smiled back.
Soon enough reality caught up when Sapph sat besides us with a caramel latte and a Vanilla cream French toast, then she was followed by Nat. 

Nat came full on excited to announce that her mum is pregnant. We congratulated her and hugged her. She was so cute when happy, her eyes wide and she was talking so fast she tripped on her words, laughing loud and playing with her ginger locks. Much more open than her normally reserved self. It was a heart warming sight. 

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