Chapter 1: First day

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"Calm down,(y/n). You'll be fine."

Your partner,Kuroshiro,said as you panicked around. "He's there ! Blackstar's there ! HOW THE HELL SHOULD I CALM DOWN ?!" You yelled as you wailed your hands around. Kuroshiro smiled,patting your back gently. "It'll be fine. Besides,I heard that there's a lot of tasty food in there ! Let's go !" He laughed gently,taking your hand and started dragging you.

To be exact,this is Kuroshiro Tarinai. He's your meister,and your weapon form is a katana. He's a gentle guy,to the point that he's almost mistaken as a girl crossdressing as a guy. He wears glasses,has a messy yet adorable dark brown hair and sparkling green eyes. He also wears long-sleeved and oversized school outfit (like Maka's without her black coat. But the yellow thing was long sleeved xD) and kinda baggy black pants. Partnered up with his customized rubber shoes.

(Anyone else watched Mekaku City Actors here ? Yeah. He has Haruka's attitude. (That one when he's still not 'Konoha') XD)

"Want a piggy back ride ? I heard that the stairs were long." Kuroshiro smiled warmly. His smile was always contagious. You looked at him then smiled back,nodding. "Sure."


~*~*~*~*Kuroshiro's P.O.V.*~*~*~*

Ahhh… I can smell the food near here ! I'm getting hungry ! *q*

"(y/n)-chan ! Look ! The view's nice !" I laughed as I pointed at the right side of the horizon. But instead of a giggle (which I really love),I heard snores. I blinked,turning to look and see my weapon's sleeping face. I paused for a while,stopping the climbing session with the stairs. She looked tired. Hmm ? Why is she tired ? She didn't even walk..

I stared at her for a while,then smiled. I remember now. She was busy panicking earlier. And she said she was too nervous she wasn't able to sleep more than two hours last night.

A smile made way to my lips. We've been trusting each other since three years ago. We already memorized each other. We know each other like we were twins.

But there's still something I can't tell her.

It's my past. Just… It'll put her in danger. So it's better to leave it hidden.

As I walked to the academy's entrance,a voice yelled from one of the gigantic spikes above. (y/n) seemed to be awakened by it cause I felt her mumble near my ear. It gave me goosebumps,but I'm good at hiding it.

"Thanks… Kuroshiro-kun…" She groggily mumbled,then got off of my back. I just gave a warm smile,saying a silent 'You're welcome'.


We looked at each other,before looking up at the spike. There was a boy on it,with spiky blue hair and assassin like clothes. (y/n)'s eyes shot wide,but my eyebrows furrowed to a concerned look.

"Get down,mister ! You might fall off !" I yelled. (y/n) just kept staring,until the boy stopped once my voice reached him. I saw him look down on me,holding a goofy grin. I just gave an innocent smile with a peace sign from my fingers.

But when his eyes landed beside me,his grin disappeared. He blinked,seeming to be startled. But after seconds,he decided to smirk and jump off.

I gasped as I watched him fall. He's nuts ! Jumping off to something that high ?!

(y/n)'s eyes followed his gaze. The boy landed on the ground by his feet,leaving a small crater from the impact. He smirked,scanning (y/n) before crossing his arms.

"You're back,huh ?"

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