Chapter 31: Sunset

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"How was the mission ?"

Blackstar asked,sitting beside you on the bench. You looked at him,then sighed. "Success. And thankful that Kuroshiro safely got back to normal."

Blackstar made a chuckle. "Ya know… You're lucky he's your meister." He said with a shrug. You looked at him,blinking. "No one can get back in control that fast. He's strong." Blackstar leaned against the bench,his hands behind his back. You laughed. "Yep. I do know that." You smiled,leaning back also.

The sun was setting. The skies had the shades of yellow and orange,and the sun's sleepy face started to slowly sink in the horizon. While you were busy watching the sunset,Blackstar was having a mind battle with himself.

~*~*~*~*Blackstar's P.O.V.*~*~*~*

This time's… A great chance. But I'm still scared. What if she rejects me ? You know… What if she… Loves her meister more than me ?

Damn it,(y/n).

I'm scared.

I never got scared before.

Especially to a girl.

"You know… Ever since I left,I never had the chance to see sunsets." (y/n) said without breaking her gaze with the view. I took a look at her,blinking slightly. "Why so ?" I asked out of curiousity.

"Mom and dad were always busy. I used to play all by myself since I was a kid cause the children back in the village we left to weren't that kind… They were bullies." (y/n) left a small sigh escape her lips.

"Then… They died. Mom did from an illness,dad died because he got depressed. It left me alone,so I decided to go back here…"

She's not supposed to be telling this. It's hurting me. It's hurting us both.

"Look,(y/n),you don't have to tell this sad story of yours if you do—"

"When they both died… I hate it because I was alone…" (y/n) interrupted me as she sat up straight. I did as well,not breaking the stare I'm giving her.

"And before I knew it,I've been wishing that someday…" (y/n) sighed.

"You'll show up and lend me a hand through all of it."

(y/n) turned her head to me with a smile. I looked startled,my eyes subconsciously going wide as her sentence sank in.


"Yeah. You."

"W-why…? You hate me before,right…?"

I asked with a surprised tone. (y/n) softly giggled,moving closer to me.

"Hate can turn to love,right ?"

Love-Hate Thing ! (Blackstar x reader)Where stories live. Discover now