Chapter 22: Future ?

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Kuroshiro sighed,laying down on his bed. "Hey. Kuro. You still awake ?" He mentally asked,nuzzling his blanket. But he didn't get a reply. So he just shrugged,taking his glasses off. "Maybe asleep… Damn. Just when I want to have a small chat."

He stretched his self out slightly,cracking his knuckles before making a satisfied sigh,then drifting to sleep... And a dream.

"Kuro ?" Kuroshiro looked around. His dreams always occur in his black blood room. To be exact,it has tastes of black and yellow,but Kuro made all of it red,leaving his large candy and chocolate designs all over the place alone. She knew he'll be upset if she removed those.

But this time is different. The room faded,and the place turnedKuroshiro's eyes shot wide.

It was Medusa's lair.

He took a stern look around,keeping his guard up. His green,threatening (yet cute in natural) eyes gleamed as his heart pounded against his ribs slowly. Every beat,every second that passes,worried him.

His eyes darted in front when he heard a chuckled. A witch's chuckle. It was familiar…

No. It can't be.

"We've met again,huh ?" A slim figure walked from the dark,revealing Medusa's blond locks and her black hoodie. Kuroshiro gave off a glare. "What the hell do you want this time ?"

Medusa smiled,snapping as two doors appeared out of nowhere. "Choose one." She crossed her arms. Kuroshiro looked at the doors. A black one and a white one. Like his name. Kuro-shiro (black-white).

Kuroshiro sighed,going over to the white one. It looked more peaceful… And inviting. He took the door knob then twisted it open,then his eyes widened at the scene he saw.

Everyone was dead. Everyone. Blood was everywhere. Same as corpses. Except him and you. Blackstar was hugging you tightly,with blood rushing down from his broken and wounded back,as if he protected you from something. From him.

"That's the future." Medusa whispered,but Kuroshiro was too stunned to react. After Blackstar's eyes closed and fell on the ground,you had tears in your eyes as you stared at his body. You made a frown as you looked the future Kuroshiro's eyes. Truth is,he and the Kuroshiro watching the scene looked exactly the same. Meaning,it's near.

As the future (y/n) silently sobbed for her friends' death and his meister's fault for it,she changed her bladed arms back,taking his spare glasses in her pocket and started walking slowly to the said guy. 'Kuroshiro' looked at her,raising his arm (which had black blood as a blade). (y/n) gave a sad smile,holding the glasses at him. "Get a grip of yourself…" She calmly said,but the Kuroshiro in the scene ignored her. It made a swift slash across your neck,and then…

"Kuroshiro ! Hey !"

You shook your partner hardly,a worried frown accross your face. Kuroshiro twisted and turned,sweating bullets as he gripped the sheets tightly. "N-no ! Please ! Not her !" He yelled out in a pleading tune,his eyes squeezed shut as he gritted his teeth in his sleep.

"Kuroshiro ! Wake up ! You're dreaming !" You yelled,cupping his hand and squeezing it tightly. Soon,Kuroshiro's eyes shot wide,panting as he stared at the ceiling as if he saw a ghost. You sighed,sitting on his bed.

Kuroshiro looked at you,slowly calming down as he felt the warmth of your hand on his. He took a deep breath,then sighed in relief. "A dream… Ha… Thank god…" He muttered between his heavy breaths. You looked at him,holding a concerned expression. "Mind telling me what happened in that dream ?" You asked. Kuroshiro looked at you and his expression changed. It turned into a sad—yet scared— expression,him sitting up in a jolt and started sobbing. You looked at him,patting his back. It's always like this. Everytime he gets a nightmare,he'd look at you and cry because he got too scared. Once his emotions get faltered suddenly,he'd cry in shock or in fear. But this time,it's not just a hug.

He hugged you… Tightly

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