Chapter 12: Busted

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"Scaredy-cat !"

Blackstar laughed as you dwindled your thumbs nervously,ignoring him. Kuroshiro really did took pictures with the scary stuff in the haunted house. He was even smiling !

Kid had an outrage about how dark and messy the place was. (haunted houses are messy xD). So Patty and Liz had to drag him out. Maka and Soul were at the back with Tsubaki.

And because Kuroshiro was taking pictures,you have no choice but to walk with Blackstar. The scary noise filled the place,as Blackstar smirked. His plan will work and he knows it.

Blackstar watched you nervously look around. He grinned wide like a chesire cat,then slowly crept up behind you. He took the half-empty bottled water from his pocket,taking the lid off and placing it beneath your head. He continued to quietly walk behind you until you both passed by a scary person hanging upside-down from the ceiling. Blackstar smirked.


He grinned,pouring the water over your head. You practically screamed and shut your eyes tightly,your fear and shock making you think that the water was the saliva of the ghost.

Everyone blinked,watching you scream and run off. Blackstar bursted out in laughter,holding his stomach. "SUCCESS !" He chuckled.


"I am never ever EVER going back there !"

You exclaimed,holding a scared face. Blackstar was rolling around the ground,laughing loudly. "You should've—Seen your—face ! It's so funny !" He chuckled. You glared at him. "Shut up !" You grumbled. Everyone sighed. "Idiot." They mumbled. Kuroshiro smiled,patting your head. "It's fine. Are you still going to go to other rides ? We can go home now if you'd like." He adjusted his glasses. You looked at him,then instantly smiled back. "Sure. Let's go." You started walking. "Thanks for this treat,Kid !" You waved at the said reaper. Kid just smiled. "No problem !" He waved back. Kuroshiro sent him a soldier salute. "See ya on monday,Kid-kun !" He laughed,then left with you.

Blackstar sat up,pouting. "Oh come on ! She left !" He crossed his arms. Tsubaki looked at him. "Hmm ? What's with the pout ?" She asked. Blackstar looked at her,then shook his head.


[To monday !]


"Just let me copy your homework !"

"It's just an essay ! You can't just plagerize (oops no spell check xD) my work !"

You exclaimed,but Blackstar ignored you. He started writing down,copying your statements. You growled,hitting his head. "Give me that !"

Blackstar reluctantly shook his head,then continued copying. You noticed that the students were slowly returning to their seats. You huffed,ignoring.

"Ms. (l/n) and Blackstar. What is that all about ?"

You tensed up as you looked at the board,seeing Stein looking at both of you. Blackstar blinked,looking at him also.

"(y/n)-chan and Blackstar-kun are sharing their homework ! (y/n)-chan lend him her notebook for him to copy."

Both of your jaws dropped as your (e/c) eyes and Blackstar's green ones slowly rolled sideways,seeing Kuroshiro smiling cheekily with his rainbow-like eyes. His glasses gleamed from the light in an adorable way as he tilted his head innocently. "T-t-traitor !" You thought with a mental huff.

Stein nodded,adjusting his glasses. "Hmm… Cheating,huh ?" His glasses gleamed in a creepy way. You and Blackstar exchanged looks,gulping in unison as you turned back to the now-grinning-Stein.

"You both should have a punishment."

Love-Hate Thing ! (Blackstar x reader)Where stories live. Discover now