6. tease and consequences

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"Are we gonna stay in here with only our underwears on?"
You asked and smiled
"Anything wrong with that ?"

He raised an eyebrow


You loved watching him with only his boxers on so why hesitate
You were still wet from the shower...
You slowly approached him and said

"Do you realize how great you make me feel...?.."
I mean I have been in love with you for a long time now, I confess, out of nowhere you tell me that you used to like me and that you still do, you come to my place, and for fuck sake WE ARE HAVING SEX all of a sudden!!! How lucky can a person be???!!!!

You didn't even know you said all of that out loud..

He chuckles at the way you would express your feelings to him so freely

He loves the way you trust him and how comfortable you unconsciously are with him sometimes

"Its unbelievable for me too"
He moved fast to hug you


"I'm so happy to spend the night with you"

"We should be doing this more often"

"You perv.."

"Admit you enjoyed it too"

"Of course I did...you are the person Im in love with anyway.."

He blushes again and his gaze focuses on my lips

"This summer,even if it's almost over, is about to be unforgettable"


He pulled you closer into a deep passionate but soft kiss
His lips are so soft...

"When are your parents coming??"
He asked all of a sudden

"The day after tomorrow...don't worry"
"Oh....so we will be able to have some more fun together..."
He smirked

"Stop smirking"

"What if I don't stop..?"

"You wanna know what?"


You start kissing and sucking on his neck roughly leaving hickeys everywhere while your hand crawls down to his v-line and slides smoothly under his boxers

You touch him toughly making him run out of breath

"Ahh..shit Y/N...are you crazy?ahh.."

"..a bit yes...I just enjoy making you like this...If you hadn't smirked this wouldn't happen, and you know that.."

you whishpered and kept on teasing him now harder than before

"Ahh..I guess I should smirk more often from now on..AHhh....Y/N...."
you loved having control
After a few seconds you stopped to let him catch his breath
He seemed like he couldnt control himself anymore
He stared deeply in your eyes with a gaze full of lust again

"You think Imma leave it like this huh?"

"...You think you can make me horny as fuck and leave just like that..?"

He smirked and came closer slowly

He scared you a bit...but in a pleasant way...

Your back hit the wall and you realized you were both smirking to each other
You licked your lips slowly and he bitted his

He suddenly place his right palm on the wall behind you and pressed his body against yours so that you could feel his erection

"Can you feel me?"

He says in a deep tone slowly against your lips purposely to tease your hormones

you answer staring at his dark eyes
He comes even closer to whishper in your ear

He starts kissing your mouth, neck and chest roughly
He puts his left hand on the wall while his right hand reaches your underwear feeling your clothed area

You gasped shyly
He puts his hand slowly inside your panties and starts teasing you softly with his middle finger

His P.O.V

She is so good at this...god...so hot and cute
But I don't want to hurt her a lot..
Its her fault that Im like this


"You sure?"

you nod and bite your lower lip waiting for the sensation you've been expecting to feel

"I want this too...don't hesitate"

You said to reassure him

"Beautiful" he thought and inserted slowly his middle finger inside you.

"Ahh..fuck Jungkook....I won't be able to hold it..."
His moans and his heavy breathing filled the room
"Hold it"
He says directly
He unbuttoned your bra..took your underwear off and his boxers too
He finally lifs you up up
He is now between your legs while your back still contacts the wall
You suddenly feel his strong grip tighten and he inserts himself deeply inside you

You both groaned loudly throwing your head back

He starts thrusting in and out deeply making you a moaning mess
You were sweating so much
As the thought that he is hurting you comes to his mind he leans in again to unite your parted lips with his passionately to distract you.


Thank you so much for reading!! Love you💜💜💜

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