40. Beautiful?

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His weight falls upon mine.
He keeps his forearms stuck on the sand so that his body doesn't crush mine, but honestly I don't care right now.
Honestly, I would love to stay like this for hours.
Feeling his wet curves against mine, his chest that is still going up and down as his hot breath warms up my skin.

I move my hands up his forearms, biceps and shoulders, landing on the crook of his neck.
He lifts his head and looks at me.
His eyes open widely as a small smile makes it's way on his lips.
He leans in and whispers against my lips
"I'm speechless"
He kisses my lips gently, tasting the swollen skin.
I don't want so say anything
I just want to remember these moments.
So I dive into the present and lose myself to it.
I kiss him. Again and again and again.
Multiple soft pecks cover his lips
He slowly parts them to breathe.
"I love you"
I say.
I look up to find his eyes. They are glowing.
"I love you"
He says and kisses the bridge of my nose. Then my cheeks,then my eyes, my chin and finally my lips that are craving for his all the time.
"Lay down"
I tell him as I sit up.
He does as I say and lays on his hoodie, where I was a few seconds ago.
I now lay above him, changing the position but keeping our bodies in intense contact.
I sit on his stomach, opening my legs at the process, and lift myself a bit up to have a proper view of him.
He runs his long and delicate fingers on my thighs and then on my waist, caressing my skin smoothly. As if it was made of glass.
Goosebumps form on my flesh when his hand passes over my hip bone and down to my open lips, my thighs are spread open making it easy for him to slide two of his fingers between them.
My breath gets sharp as his fingers go backs and forth against my wetness.
He takes them away and while his eyes dive hypnotically into mine, he puts them inside his mouth, wrapping his lips around them and licking my liquid off of them. Tasting me with his warm tongue.
A light moan escapes his throat as he sits up with me still on his lap.

I place one palm on his collar bone when his face comes closer, his lips wrap around my nipple and my grip tightens unwillingly.
His tongue is heavily sucking on my erected nipple, slowly enough to make me lose my mind.
My breath comes out shaky.
His lips leave my nipple, making a wet sound at the process.
He lifts his gaze up to find mine.
"You like this?"
He says as he runs his index and middle finger down my front body, starting from the skin between my breasts.
His voice, a deep whisper.
His gaze glued on mine and with a soft exhale he lifts his position and presses his lips on mine.
His other hand cups the skin where my heart is.
He waits for a few seconds to concentrate to the heart beating and he speaks against my lips.


~ birthday chapter

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now