16. problem

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She says and smiles breaking the kiss,
our faces are inches away.

"Are you mine too?"

I sigh...is she really wondering?!..

"Don't ever ask things like that again! I thought you have already understood that.."


"That every single part of me belongs to you."

Jesus I got goosebumps while saying this
She blushes
I leave another peck on her lips and I feel her grin against mine.

"You know..my parents are coming early in the evening..."

"I know"

"You sure you wanna meet them?"

"Sure, why not?"

She nodds hesitantly and speaks again

"We...should go dress up."

"Right" I nod to myself.

We go to her bedroom to dress up while I start to get anxious.
What if her parents won't agree with all of this?...
I remember her at school, talking about how strict they are...

She was always saying that they were trying to make her care only for her school obligations.

That they thought there was no time for relationships or hanging out...

They would rarerly let her have some fun with her friends and there were many times that they didn't let her to go out.

I'm sure they'll say that our relationship won't help her concentrate on her homework or something...


I hit the wall with my palm as I was deeply drowned in all those negative thoughts

That hurts

"What are you doing??? Are you alright??"

She yells while putting her socks on looking at me with eyes wide open in confusion.

"I-I'm fine.."

"No you are not! You seem furious or something?!"

She says suspiciously and comes to sit next to me on her bed..
looking at me intensely trying to understand what was going on by looking at my facial expression.

"No! It's just-"

I leave a deep sigh out of my mouth trying to find the right words

"Just what?:

"Your parents!"

I say and her eyes widen even more than before.

"I'm afraid that they won't let you be with me!
I'm afraid that they will make you leave me!"


"They will-"


She says and my heart beats so fast that I think it will jump out of my chest.

I turn to her direction to see a girl full of braveness looking deeply into my eyes.

Her eyes don't even blink once...they seem bigger and darker right now and I can't stop staring back at her.

"Stop looking at me like that, you heard exactly what I said!"

She says firmly leaving me speechless again.

I can tell she waits for some reply or reaction from me and the only thing that comes to my mind is to show her how fucking much I love her.

How her words make me feel right now.

I istantly come closer and press my lips on hers...
I put my hand on the side of her neck to lead her into a deeper kiss.

She kisses me back..
I stop for a second to look into her eyes

"You're being so brave all of a sudden..I'm gonna go crazy"

I kiss her again and stop to continue whispering

"You make me fall so hard for you.."

Your P.O.V.

Oh god I'm melting..

I can feel my cheeks turning red.

Where did all of this come from..
he never talked to me like that before...
his words are wrapped around my mind and heart..being continiously repeated..

I totally meant what I said.
I will never leave him.

No matter what my parents say.
They can't stop me from loving him.
Noone can.

"The only thing I know for sure is that I can't stand losing you."

He says and I feel my knees getting weak..
I'm falling too deep...
We stop kissing and stare at each other for a while..with our foreheads in intense contact.

"We are staying together no matter what."

I assure him

"Nobody is leaving nobody."

I smile lightly not leaving his gaze.

He chuckles but his eyes stay focused on mine and he suddenly comes closer..

"Y/n..saying those stuff to me makes me wanna do so many things to you."

I smirk and look away but he comes closer not letting me avoid a thing.

He crawls above me and we slowly lay on my bed with him on top of me.

He is counting on his palms as he leans in to kiss my lips again...
He pulls off.

I put my hand on his right cheek trying to concentrate on the feeling of the soft skin of his face on my palm.
still looking into his beautiful eyes...sparkling full of emotions..but something was a bit different now..he seemed more sure..
more secure about his feelings towards me.
His words. His gaze. His whole attitude had something different now..
something deeper...something more..real.. but why was that?

"You can't realize how much you love something until you realize you might lose it"

He says and answers to all the questions I had on my mind.


Hey!!!! I hope you all enjoy reading this book..💜💜
I love youu

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now