11. hills

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He turned his whole body to your direction to face you
His dark eyes were sparkling full of emotions
You stood up to sit on your butt and so did he
As you rested your head on his shoulder he touched your chin softly to lead you in one more kiss
You were so focused on kissing him that you didn't notice his hand that going slowly under your
T-shirt up to your inner thigh..
You left a heavy breath out of your mouth along with a small gasp which gave him the chance to slide his tongue in your mouth
You responded with your own
His fingers started slowly going under your underware rubbing you softly

Your P.O.V.

Ahh shit why is he doing stuff like that now..

You start leaving soft moans between the kiss..he seemed to enjoy that very much as he inserted a finger inside you slowly and he started thrusting
"You what...?"
"I don't wanna finish here..."
"I know...sorry"
He said and lowered the speed of his actions

"This doesn't mean you should stop of course..."
You whishpered slowly

"You were the one who said that I lead our short trip.."
He said and pulled his finger out
He layed you down and he went on top of you
He licked his finger slowly while staring at you with a smirk on his face
Your chest was going up and down uncontrollably as he licked your lower lip slowly
He was still on top of you with each others hips fully connected
He started kissing your neck and collar bones
He could tell you were hungry for more as he could hear you moaning
He started grinding slowly on you
You could feel him easily as he was wearing sweatpants
You wrapped your legs around his waist to have more access on his lap
He groans slowly as your legs are pushing him deeper

Your P.O.V.

Oh.. god his voice...
He feels so good against me...
That's insane...
If we were inside this would happen for the third time in a day
But it just feels so right...
I smash my lips on his while I press my hips on his...but I can't control my voice anymore and leave a soft moan while I smile breaking the kiss
He smiles too seeing me having a good time

"Babe....I can't stop.."
He says breathlessly and his voice sounds a bit deeper than usual..
"Its ok, me neither"
I smile to him
We keep on moving at the same pace until we come really close to our orgasms
"Ahh...babe we should stop now"
He grinded one last time harshly and stopped looking deeply in my eyes while leaning on his palms
"You are so beautiful"

I was trying to realize what was so "beautiful" about my appearance at the moment that made him make that comment
I thought that I was sweaty...I was breathing heavily which made my chest go up and down uncontrollably and....my cheeks were probably red as I could feel my whole face burning up
I touched his face to check if it was burning too and yep it was
He chuckled
"Of course its hot! We almost did it and you thought that I would be just fine, huh?!"
I chuckle..

"I love you"
I said almost whishpering while pulling him in for a hug
"I love you too"
We stayed like this for a few moments
Looking at the stars while holding each other tightly
By the time we stopped I was feeling a bit sleepy and tired
My face was still burning up
He had his eyes closed and I could tell he was about to sleep in any minute too
"Jungkook...I think we should go back now...We have to rest and sleep"

"I know...ahh fuck I almost fell asleep"

We stood up slowly and he gave me a peck on the lips


Double update;) Hope you enjoyy

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now