8. call

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You were both eating cereal quietly sitting on the kitchen table.
You were sitting opposite each other and suddenly your eyes met and you smiled to each other
He put his hand close to yours to touch it softly, then tangled your fingers and caressed your hand with his thumb
" I'm sorry.."
"For what?"
"I just cant stop thinking that I hurt you...I'm sorry"
"Its ok, stop worrying"
"Did it feel good ?"
You nodded shyly while smiling trying to avoid eye contact
"Stop acting inoccent..we both know you aren't"

You smirked and stood up. You approach him slowly and peck him on the cheek making him blush
"You are blushing"
You say while bursting out laughing
He stands up. Approaches and hugs you slowly
"I...love you"
He whispers still hugging you
"I Love you too"
You whishper and kiss his neck softly
You pull off the hug a bit and look at each other smiling lightly
Your eyes were sparkling, dark and full of emotions
You kiss many times slowly just to feel the lips of each other touching
It was a magical feeling
You both leave a deep sigh and go to wash your bowls
Suddenly he remembered something which made him very nervous.
"Where is my phone ?"
"I think you left it in my room..Is everything ok??"
"My parents will be worried as fuck!!"

He found his phone next to your bed.

"They called me 30 times .FUCK"
You find him calling his mother,sitting on the edge of your bed

"Where the hell have you been the whole night??? Do you wanna get killed or something???"
"I'm sorry I didnt call you..I-"
You looked at each other worried
"At my girlfriends house"
"Since when do YOU have a girlfriend??? You are kidding me arent you???"
"Since last night actually. IM NOT KIDDING!"
You yelled
He looked at you surprised
"Who was that?"
"My girlfriend y/n from dance class"
"Oh so you are going at the same school. Wait. Is she the girl that you mentioned how beautiful her laugh is when-"
"Yes mom. So now, Im sorry again, Im safe and if you havent anything to add, I would like to hang up"
"Its the last time you do anything without letting me or dad know. Is that clear??"
"Ok mom, bye"
He hang up and looked up at you with his big dark eyes
You were a bit shocked
He smiles and pulls your wrist to make you sit on his right thigh
"I-is everything ok..with your mom...?"
"Yeah.. everthing is alright"
He smiles
"You sure?.."
He speaks slowly approaching your ear
"Oh..stop seducing me already"
You complained cutely making his eyes look directly to your smile and then to your own eyes
"Do you have anything to do today?"
He tilts his head waiting for your answer
"No. How about you?"
"No I havent..I would ask you to go out but its too hot, don't you think?"
"Yes, I can't stand this weather sometimes really..Oh! When my parents come back, wanna go to the beach together?"
"Sure..Can't wait to see you in bikinis"
He says naturally without even smirking. He didn't even proceed what he was going to say.
"Stop it you perv...You've already seen me with nothing on so why do you act like that?!"
"I like thinking about it I guess..as you are hot anyway"
"You think so?"
You gasp
"Yeah...I have been relizing that through the whole school year...not that I was observing you all the time during the dance classes, of course not"
You blush and give him a peck on the lips
"Don't make me tell you again"
"Tell me what?"
"That you are hotter"
"Have you been watching this side of me through the year?"

He lifts an eyebrow cockily

You admitted with a sigh
"You know..I caught you once"
"Doing what??"
"At my body"
"STOOOP $$#^&*:^&**""'=_€£¥₩"
"Okokokok calm down"
"But seriously do you have any idea of how you look like when you're dancing?? I stop breathing and blinking not to miss any of your movements!"
He laughs out loud but his cheeks' color turns into a cute pink shade.
Your gaze goes down to his body
He's wearing his boxers so it's quite visible
"Stop staring down there"
He says and closes his legs agressively
He was blushing so cutely
"You know what..?"
You whisper in his ear still sitting on his right thigh
You say in order make him more confident about what he seems to be shy.
For a moment he stares at you in sock trying to realize what he just heard
He turns his head to unother direction from his awkwardness.
You can't help yourself from laughing....he's so cute
"Y/n-ah....stop it...YAH stop laughing"
"But you are blushing like hell"
"Im not"
"Yes you are"
He couldn't stand seeing you laughing because of his embarrasment so he pulls your neck close to his face and gives you a sudden deep kiss to make you stop
He pulls off
"I..said.. stop"


Happy Birthday Kim Taehuyng!!! I love you so much

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now