15. awake

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"What are you...ah..doing...?"

"I'm waking you up"

I go on top of him sitting on his stomach as I lean my head down to kiss his lips.
Hiss hands touching my hips softly.

I let go of him and stand up while he is still laying down on my bed watching my every move.

We are still naked...
I go to the window looking outside while running my fingers through my hair..

"You should always wake up before I do.."

I hear his deep sleepy and raspy voice as he is still laying down turning his head to my direction staring at me from head to toe.

"Why is that?"
I ask playfully looking at him over my shoulder

"Because if you don't I will miss this.."
He pointed at my figure

"Stop it"
I chuckle and I feel the skin of my facing becoming hot

He gets up too and puts on his boxers.

He approaches me from behind kissing the back of my neck while putting my hair to the side.

"You should put something on or else you will catch a cold"
He says in a really low tone again the skin of my shoulder

"What if I don't want to?"

I smirk turning around to face him
He stares at my lips and when I open my mouth to speak again he smashes his lips on mine connecting my naked body with his creating a strong connection between our fleshes. His hands travel along my bare back.
A few seconds later we pull off and I speak up:

"I...will go dress up"

I leave him speechless and start putting my underwear and bra on.
I enter the bathroom to brush my teeth.

"Do you have an extra toothbrush??"
I hear him shout
"Yeah, come here."
He enters the bathroom slowly and closes the door gently behind him.

His P.O.V.

I take the toothbrush she holds for me

"Thank you."

We are brushing our teeth watching the mirror
I start to make funny expressions with my eyes to make her laugh.

She rolls her eyes and smiles before spitting the toothpaste and water out of her mouth and I do it too.

Suddenly I see her grabbing the counter as she seems to be struggling

"Are you ok??"
I come closer

"Yeah...just...my legs feel weak...its your fault"

"Oh fuck..Im sorry"
Let's try and convince myself that I'm not proud of this.

"Its ok "
A sigh of relief escapes my mouth as I see her laughing at her condition....at least she feels ok.

"Let's go eat something"
I say as I take her in bridal style heading to the kitchen.


She smiles leaving a soft peck on my cheek.

We are sitting down to the kitchen table eating cereal when I suddenly feel her leg touching mine under the table.

I look at her without moving my head.
Her cheeks are red as she tries to concentrate to her breakfast.

"Stand up and turn around."

She says directly without even looking at me.
I freeze a bit still having some cereal in my mouth....after a few seconds I stand up and turn around and she faces my back
I keep on chewing until I hear her chuckling behind me!

"What is it??"

I say and try to look at my back
She can't stop laughing and I run to the bathroom looking at my back in the mirror...and I see what was expected to be seen...
Light red scratches all over my naked back..
Before I can react she opens the bathroom door and leans on the wall smiling at me while raising an eyebrow

I roll my eyes and leave a deep sigh out of my mouth
"Are you proud of this?!"
I ask her ironically raising both of eybrows as I can see her expression filling with satisfaction.
She giggles.

"Does it hurt?"

"No. It kinda looks nice though.."

"Yeah I think so too"
She laughs again.

"I'm proud of making you unable to stand still but I don't say or laugh at it either"
I whisper to myself.
She yells and hits my shoulder


"You what?"

I ask with a smile on my face coming closer to her face making our foreheads touch...looking straight to her eyes....her beautiful eyes...oh god they're gorgeous...SHE is gorgeous...
I'm on my own world staring at the features of her face when I suddenly feel her cold fingers caressing my neck and chest...and she finally comes closer to kiss my lips softly..I break the kiss immediatly to speak.


I prefer trying another way to kiss her.

I smash my lips on hers...she doesn't stop...she keeps on kissing me...her fingers run through my hair as I hold her waist tightly..

"I love you"
She whispers breathlessly through the kiss making me shiver

"I love you"
I whisper back

I attack her neck and I hear her moan lightly...I kiss her sweet spots roughly and then suck on them carefully...I mark her continiously...her skin is so soft..

I start whispering again through the moment:

"You're mine.."


Thank you all for reading this story.
I hope you enjoy it.
Many more chapters are coming:))

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now