24. matching

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I wake up first again..
I stare at his beautiful features
He's sleeping like a baby...
His mouth is always open when he sleeps like this

His mouth is always open when he sleeps like this

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I sit up for a while and look outside his window...
It's kinda cloudy today but I like it..
I look at him again
"Yah why are you sleeping so much..."
I say to myself
But I see his his lips turn into a big smile as he chuckles

"I say to myselfBut I see his his lips turn into a big smile as he chuckles

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" Fooled agaiiin"
He says loudly

I hit him playfully..

"Look! It's beautiful today isn't it?"
He groans and sits up too to see what I'm talking about.

"Yeah..beautiful indeed."
He leans closer and kisses my cheek and throws himself on the bed again  looking at the ceiling
I approach him slowly and lean above him to kiss his lips...
My hand travels under his black T-shirt lifting it up..I lower my head to kiss his chest and abs...
I want to mark him so badly right now...
My head stops under his belly button, where I leave two big hickeys... at the same spots he did that to me yesterday...
His chest is going up and down and his head is thrown back as he is leaning on his elbows
I pull away and come to face him again
He sits up to look at the red marks I've painted on his smooth skin.

"I did this to you yesterday, didn't I?"
He says and lift his gaze from the hickeys to look at me
I nod lifting my T-shirt up revealing the two big red and purple marks Jungkook's lips created yesterday under my belly button..before my parents came home..

His expression turns into a playful one as he pulls me into a tight hug

"Aww Y/n you're so romantic! Thanks to you we have matching hickeys now! How cuute!"

His irony was so obvious.

"I think it's nice no matter you say!"
I speak against his chest

"You know..I was thinking that school starts in a few days..."
I hear him say changing the subject
"I will miss sharing the same bed with you...sleeping with you.."
He sighs
I loosen the hug and smirk

"Only sleeping with me?!"
I raise an eyebrow
"Yah! I was trying to be romantic you perv...and you know why I won't miss this..."
He says and looks down smirking..his lips approach my ear slowly
"Why-y won't you miss it...?"
I ask worried

"Because..who said we won't be doing this during the school year...?! Or even better...during the school..hours.."

Oh lord I loved this idea...

"It would be fun.."

I whisper

He responds whispering back

"Alsoo..we can sleep together on weekends..like every Friday and Saturday night.."
"Yes...But..You forgot to mention the nights that I'll be sneaking into your room"

My eyes widen and I chuckle at the thought of him trying to sneak into my room in the middle of the night

"And how will you be able to do that exactly?!"
I raise an eyebrow
"I'll find a way when the time comes, don't worry"

He smirks and leans in to leave a peck on my lips..
I don't know but for some reason I am not that scared of what are my parents going to tell me about this when school starts...
He makes me believe that we will always spent time with each other no matter what anybody else says

"We should go downstairs to eat breakfast.."
He says while putting on his black sweatpants

"I'm coming.."
I get off the bed and put on my pj shorts
I need to put on my bra...
I turn around so that my back faces him and take off my T-shirt
I put on my bra and clip it
As I approach the bed to take my t-shirt I look at him..

"Stop staring!"
I yell and put on my t-shirt quickly
Jesus he is smirking again
I grab his wrist and drag him to the bathroom to brush our teeth
As long as I see my reflection in the mirror my eyes widen..I almost forgot about the purple and red marks he created on my neck yesterday

"They're beautiful..."
He comments while staring at my neck through the mirror
My fingertips run through the marks softly...
"They really are beautiful"


Heyy.. I'm really sorry if this one was boring but please let me know what you think in the comments...
I love you.💜💜

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now