33. practice room

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The bell rings a few minutes later and I grab my stuff to go get ready for our dance class.

A few seconds before I stand up I see two big perfect palms resting on my desk. As I lift my head slowly upwards to look at him his whole body bends over and his face is now a few non important inches away from mine.
I take him by surprise and press my lips lightly and softly on his smooth ones. A small exhale leaves his nose from the unexpected passionate action.

He grins as my eyes meet his.
"Can you do me favor?"

"It depends"
The true answer is always a yes when it comes to him and because I want to. I just can't do otherwise since I'm seriously addicted to him.
Let's pretend he doesn't know it.

"I want you to meet the others"
His tone is stable.

I grin back to him and stand up as he is copying my moves with our faces still being close to each other.

He takes his backpack too and we head outside the classroom and straight to the roof where I suppose the "others" are.

We reach our destination and I lift my gaze to look at the six guys that I used to see Jungkook with all the time at school.

They are joking around and having fun as always when we approach them.
Soon, most of them notice our presence but before any of them could react Jungkook speaks up.

"Guys..this is y/n"
He smiles shyly and turns his head a bit to look into my eyes.

"Ohh Jungkookieeee"
Some of them yell proudly as if he had achieved something special. We both blush.

Suddenly I notice a raised hand asking for a handshake in front of me.
I shake his hand.

"It's very nice to meet you, I'm Seokjin"

He smiles confidently at me. He generally has a very confident aura.

"Nice to meet you too"
I smile politely

A second hand reaches for a handshake and I realize this is going to happen for four times more.

I shake his hand and look up at him.

"It's good to meet you finally! Jungkook has been talking about you!"

I giggle instantly at his words.

"Oh really?" I turn to Jungkook and as long as we make eyes contact he looks at the sky.

"I'm Taehyung"
He smiles widely, looking genuinely happy to meet me, which makes me to return the expression to him.

"Hiii, I'm Hoseok!!"
Okay that's one of the hugest and best smiles I've ever seen. I joyfully shake his hand.

"Helloo, I'm Jimin!"
I shake his hand too and look up at him to face a well built guy smiling softly at me.

"Good to meet you"
I reply and expect the next handshake.

"I'm Yoongi"
I look at the owner of this serious voice greeting me with his lips curving lightly upwards with kindness.

"Aaand I'm Namjoon"
Says the tallest one as he smiles widely showing his dimples to me.

"Shall we go to class?"
Says Jimin, looking at Hoseok. I remember seeing them practice dancing with Jungkook..they are so freaking talented.

Hoseok nods and they make their way to the practice room.

"We will arrive before them"
I turn my head to the sound of this familiar soft voice that always has my attention. I see Jungkook smiling down at me.
His competitive side is always up when it comes to the other guys, I can tell.

"And how are going to do that?"
I smirk.

He turns around and bends his back for me to jump on.

"What??! Forget it I'm too heavy"
"No you are not"
He says looking over his shoulder.

I don't insist as I always wanted that to happen.

"Ok if your back breaks or something don't complain to me afterwards"
I giggle and jump on his back.

He adjusts my position so that he can hold my legs tightly, making sure I won't fall and instantly he starts running down the corridors heading to the two boys' destination.

We're laughing loudly and I can't believe he does that without caring about all the other people around.
I love it.

Jungkook's P.O.V

Adrenaline feels my body and I start sweating but I don't really care. We finally see Hoseok and Jimin walking calmly and I yell as we pass by them making them scared to the bone, jumping as if they've seen a ghost.


I hear y/n laughing her lungs out at the point she is crying after what I said. I can't help but laugh too.
A few second later we burst into the practice room and I let her down carefully.
I don't miss the opportunity and lay down the floor panting like crazy still smiling widely as I turn my head to look at her

She breathes out as she kneels down next to me. She is still giggling adorably but her eyes are never leaving mine. It's like we always used to communicate through our stares gazes. It's like we share something special.

Nobody else has entered the room before us.

I see her figure bending over my exhausted body and her face approaching mine.
I place my palm on the side of her neck and under her ear as Im pulling her in for a sweet peck.

We chuckle nervously to each other as I'm playing with her hair and her fingers are drawing invisible lines on my collar bones.

Suddenly the door shuts open revealing the two people I intentionally and - I have to say- very successfully scared to death a few minutes ago.

She turns her body at their direction and I sit up too, raising an eyebrow at them.

"Jungkook-ah you won't ever do that again"
Says Hoseok while chuckling, still looking surprised.

"Make me"
I mumble playfully only for me and y/n to hear.

"Yah! I've told you before so many times! I don't wanna die inside this freaking building! I'm too young for heart attacks!"

"Yeah yeah ok"
I say without actually caring for what they are being over dramatic for and I turn my attention to y/n who seems to enjoy seeing them upset as much as I do.
I move closer to her lowering my gaze to her beautiful lips and then back to her eyes to understand her opinion about kissing her right now.
Considering the fact that she kissed me inside our classroom and her flirty gaze down my lips I can tell she wants this too.

I can hear the two others sighing and chuckling meaningfully as they pass by us and head to the corner of the room.

I return my attention to her and I see her eyes already closed waiting for my move.
I surprise her by pecking her neck, my mouth making all the way up her ear.

"We will continue this later"
I speak in a low tone and trap her ear lobe between my teeth

"And what's "later" about?"
She mimics my tone and smiles lifting her gaze up to meet mine.

"About dancing..."

Hope you are enjoying the story🖤

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