35. dance on me

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His eyes widen as he smiles playfully after hearing my response. He seems to like the way I used his previous answer as it fits perfectly in his own question.

We don't exchange a word for multiple minutes as we keep on dancing intensely yet delicately against each other, every curve, every muscle of our bodies is stuck up on the other with intense and long contacts.

We have both given up trying to take the lead and give into each others movements, closing our eyes, slowly diving into the rhythm and melody which are the only things that can be heard right now.

I can feel that he is as aroused as I am.

As our front bodies are always in tight contact I can feel his heart beating surprisingly fast against my chest but I'm sure mine is not in a better condition.

Little by little we start to experiment and he starts body rolling softly leading me to copy him and roll my hips and torso against his.

My hands grip on his shoulders and his grip on my waist and hips tightens forcing me to maintain the contact.

Short seconds after, the music stops and so do we.

I notice some pairs and also our teacher watching at us with some fondness and amazement.

"Really good job Jungkook and y/n"

Her lips turn slightly upwards.

"Thank you"

We both let out, being now breathless and aroused on a real high degree.

I sit on the floor trying to calm myself and crazy hormones down but I see him doing the same, leaning on he wall next to me.

I feel my face heating up and I avoid looking into his eyes for a few nervous seconds.

As I look at the ground I see his delicate yet veiny hand approaching mine and smoothly his fingers lock with mine.

I'm so tensed. I keep on repeating inside my head what he said about continuing later. Did he mention it without meaning anything specific?

Suddenly I see him with the corner of my eye leaning in and he pulls aside the strand of hair that covers my ear to put his warm lips on it.

"When do you want us to continue?"

His lips trap my earlobe kissing it softly before his teeth replace them and bite the spot while pulling it slightly.

Lord my blood pressure is seriously getting higher as I'm liking his behavior way too much.


"I loved your every move.."

He continues, still keeping his lips a hair away from my ear.

I would never expect him to say those words to me.

"I didn't know you could dance like like that"

"Like what?"

I ask him giggling playfully


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