44. Who cares

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Your P.O.V.

My mom's shocked whisper wakes me up.
"The hell are you doing???"
I'm trying to get my mind together to understand what she means. I move my head slowly.
As I turn I see the most handsome and adorable face on earth. His eyes closed as he sleeps, his lips slightly parted as he breathes softly.
I tend to move more but I feel a strong grip around my waist. I smile.

I close my eyes and breathe out trying to stay calm and face my mom once again with careful movements.

"The hell am I doing?"
I ask calmly,repeating her words as I'm raising an eyebrow.
"Are you kidding me??"
She whisper-yells nodding to the sleeping boy next to me.
Jesus how old does she think I am?

She is acting as if I didn't sleep at his place days ago. But..yeah I didn't sneak into it. Neither did it without permission.

Who fucking cares at this point anyway?

"You slept early and I didn't want to wake you up to ask you"
Stupid excuse, but I'm too bored to make up a better one right now.

She exhales deeply, frustrated and definitely done with me my unpredictable shit.

"We will discuss this later. I'm not done with you."
She points out her index finger to me and Jungkook.
Before closing my door she speaks.

"Lock it, in case your father wants to come in"
She advises.
I tend to do so, but my love's strong grip won't let me move once again.
I chuckle, feeling my cheeks heating up
The last thing I want to do is to wake him up right now.
Before I make my final decision, I feel the body next to me slowly moving changing position. The arm around my figure pulling me more against him.
He hums as if saying something.
"Goodmorning to you too"
I giggle as my face is now buried in the valley where his shoulder meets his neck.
Thank god he didn't take off his T-shirt
My mom would have lost it in a much higher degree than she already have.
I slide my hand underneath the cotton fabric and graze his abs with my fingertips.
Warm and smooth flesh is all I can feel.
Goosebumps soon form on it and I grin.
He turns to his side making me do the same.
I tilt my head a bit to face him and I almost get a heart attack.
Big dark eyes are already fixed on my face, open widely.
I gasp internally.
How can they be so beautiful and expressive. I could stare at them for hours.
"You're eyes are something else"
"What? Really?"
I giggle at his cute and honest surprised reaction.

I tell him the most persuasive way I could.
"I love them"
"I could just remove them, give them to you and leave then"
He frowns and turns on his other side, for his back to face me.
He is being a baby and is probably smiling to himself right now.
"You're lucky I'm too lazy to stand up"
I wrap my arm around his waist.
He immediately turns around and practically picks me up and places my whole body on top of him.
I gasp surprised but laugh right after, putting my palms on his hard chest.
I lock my gaze with his.
Something bothers him.
And it's not the eye thing.

"What are we going to do?"

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now