37."oh we're gonna have so much fun"

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Hours fly by without me noticing it completely as I've concentrated the best I can to finish my homework.

He better have a good excuse for making me rush like that.

I've finished studying by ten pm and since then Ive been listening to music and writing down my random thoughts and emotions.

I like expressing myself through writing. It helps me in many ways.

This calm and peaceful atmosphere in my room makes the inside of my head fill with thoughts and my body with energy.

Thoughts of the boy that I'm in love with, the reason of my willingness to live my life to the fullest.

The song playing is the only thing that can be heard.

My parents went to bed an hour ago. They seemed exhausted today.

A little bit more than usual.

Jungkook hasn't contacted me since our little questionable chat and the whole situation makes me over think.

His face, his manners and habits, his little mysterious side that always surprises and excites me are the only things in my mind.

I pick up my phone to change the song that is currently playing in a low volume.

I lay back down on my bed with my stomach against the sheets taking my pen in my head again.

Suddenly the sound of my message notifications takes the place of the beautiful melody and I gasp mentally before grabbing my phone quickly.

Something inside my chest tingles as I see his name on my screen.

"Dress up and put your shoes on."

"Where are you"

"For now, it doesn't matter. Ask me in three minutes."

My heart starts beating way faster than before and my right hand starts to tremble.

I stand up feeling super excited and rush to get into my favorite black denim shorts and a kinda big gray T-shirt with a big flower on the back.

I put on my sneakers and grab my phone again.

"Where are you"

"You find out"

Oh I'm so ready to sneak out tonight.

I've never done it before and the fact that it's going to be with him makes me wanna do this every night.

I approache my window and look down only to face a smirking Jungkook looking up at me with his big and dark eyes, always creating that irresistible aura around him.

He is talking to me by only using his eyes and my heart can't take it at the moment.

He nodds me to come down and I want this so much.

I smile at him and grab my keys.

In short seconds I'm in front of the door.

I unlock it quietly and as long as I step outside I lock it.

I hurry to turn around and face him standing a couple of metres away from me in his ripped jeans and black T-shirt but soon the distance between us becomes smaller, one metre and now there are just a few inches between his thin and soft lips and mine.

His eyes stare softly in to mine and his lips form a sweet smile making me return it instantly.

"So...where are we going?"

I say in a low tone letting my breath tingle his lips raising an eyebrow to not show the how affected that I am from this closeness.

He giggles and places a warm palm under my ear as his face erases the small distance and his lips contact mine eagerly yet softly

I smile into the kiss and he follows getting slightly embarrassed at his own sudden action.

I feel my body getting warmer and something tingles in my chest..

He slowly pulls off and opens his mouth to answer but eventually nothing but a breathy chuckle comes out.

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now