20. at his place

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As long as we entered the house Jungkook's smell filled my lungs as I took a deep breath.

We both take off our shoes and I start observing every single part of it.

It was beautiful and warm..

The fact that it was Jungkook's house made it look even better..

"Hello guys!"

I heard a female voice coming from upstairs.

I turned my head and saw Jungkook's mom coming downstairs with a big smile on her face.


She yelled and run to hug her son and I remembered that he was away from  home for two days..
As long as they break the hug Jungkook speaks

"Mom, this is Y/n."

"Nice to meet you Y/n!"

She smiles again and I can't help but smile too while shaking her hand.

"Soo..make your self at home sweetie!"

"Thank you so much"

Jungkook nods at me to follow him upstairs.

He goes to his room and I follow him shyly.

"Oh we are sleeping together?"

I say as I see two big pillows at the top of Jungkook's bed...which is a little bit bigger than mine and it seems to be comfortable enough for two people.


He responds with a small smirk planting on his lips.

I chuckle as I put my backpack on the floor.
I open it, take out my pijamas and start to change.

As I start taking off my T-shirt I see  Jungkook staring at me from the corner of my eye but I pretend to know nothing and keep on taking off my clothes...this time more slowly...

As I take my T-shirt completely off, I undo my belt slowly, unbutton my jeans and pull down the zipper even more slowly...
I can see him watching my every move...
I pull down my jeans until I take them off completely..
I put my clothes in my backpack and I'm ready to grab my pijamas when suddenly I feel two hands touching the sides of my torso smoothly..
Lips spread kisses all over my left shoulder and back of my neck making my shiver...
I can feel his clothed chest and abs touching my back
I turn my head over my right shoulder to look at him:

"You're impatient, aren't you?"

I ask him while smirking to myself.


He moaned shyly with his face buried in my neck as a blush starts taking place on his cheeks making his face turn hot as he starts thinking about stuff again...

I chuckle and I hear him talking in a low tone against my ear


"What's wrong?.."

I look at the wall in front of me with my head laid back, leaning on his chest and his arms are now wrapped around my waist.

He seems kinda embarresed as he goes away from my ear and chooses a more indirect way to talk to me by speaking against the skin of the left side of my neck leaving light kisses after each word..

"I'm sad that..we can't..do it..to..night.."

He complains cutely and I get goosebumps all over my body from his soft and deep voice and the multiple pecks he just left on my exposed skin between these needy words..

I start chuckling when I feel my cheeks turning red.

"Your parents would freak out and you know it!"

I keep on laughing from embarrasment and he turns me around to face him.

His face comes closer.

"We could try and be quiet..."


I say and take a step back...
the way he approaches me is a bit scary and somehow...it turns me on..


He says calmly with his naughty smile never leaving his lips.
He turns around and leaves the room.

He has something on his mind for sure..

I put on my pijamas, I make a quite messy bun and I walk out of the room too.

"Dinner is ready!"

I hear his mom yelling from the kitchen.

I go downstairs and smile as I see a man sitting on the kitchen table...he must be his dad..

"Hello, I'm Y/n"
I say as the man responds immediatly

"Nice to meet you Y/n, I'm Jungkook's dad."

He responds smiling to me and shakes my hand.

"Take a seat!"

"Thank you"

I sit on the table quietly when I hear Jungkook coming down the stairs.

My eyes follow his moves, one after the other.

He had put on a black T-shirt which wasn't oversized, black sweatpants and short black socks
His silver ring always there suiting his right middle finger perfectly...

"Oh hey dad!"
He says and sits on the table.

"Hey Jungkook!"

"So you met Y/n!"
He smiles and looks at me

"Yes, and I'm glad cause you seem to truly like each other"

We look at each other and then lower our gazes back to our plates smiling widely.

"How did you realize that?!"

I ask his dad surprised.

"First of all, you spent almost two days together and he didn't call us even once, plus as long as he started coming down the stairs you didn't stop looking at him till he sat on the table."

I almost chocked at his last sentence making everyone chuckle...


Heyyy guyzz! Hope you all doing well and I really hope that you are enjoying the story!!!
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Thank you for readiiing,💜💜

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