49. I need more

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"Give it to me then"
She says, desperate to catch her breath.
Her words are promising.
I exhale heavily as I can feel myself getting hard again.
I give a few light pecks on her nape, breathing heavily in between every kiss.
She breathes and her head falls on my shoulder.
I lean in and capture her lips with mine, diving slowly into her warm mouth.
My left hand crawls up her torso and covers her throat and before I ask for permission a breathless "yes" leaves her wet lips. Her hot breathing mixing with mine, sending chills to my spine.
My fingers squeeze the sides of her neck lightly and she smirks
"You want this baby?"
She blushes
Keeping my hand around her throat, I bring my right one lower.
I spread her thighs more and rest my palm on her inner thigh
My fingertips start caressing her smooth flesh, teasingly moving closer and further from her wetness.
My eyes can't resist and look at the mirror.
She look glorious on my lap. The thin layer of sweat that covers her flesh makes her skin glow.
And I want to eat her up.
A tiny drop of sweat is running down her neck and right between her breasts.
Her legs are so spread, I can see everything.
"Fuck babe, look at you"
I can barely breathe.
The fingers of my right hand stop teasing and dive inside her dripping mess while my left palm is still wrapped around her throat.
She whimpers making me smirk
Her head falls on my shoulder behind her as two of my fingers tease her spot.
She becomes weak in my arms and I enjoy it oh, so much.
I move my fingers faster and faster.
Till her legs shake.
Till she is cumming all over my hand and dripping down our thighs
"It's too fucking much"
She begs when I start rubbing her clit roughly
"One more babe. Can you come one more time for me?"
She doesnt respond and I stop my fingers.
"What-AH FUCK"
she screams and I laugh as I push her down on my cock once more.

Your P.O.V.

"Are you fucking laughing?"
I smirk as I'm panting like crazy.
Before he could answer me I change position so that I can take some control over this boy that made me lose my mind way too many times in the last few minutes.
I turn around so that Im riding him.
"I want your back against the wall"
I speak intensely trying so hard no to show how exhausted he has made me.
He bites his lip as he moves backwards on my bed while watching me.

His backs rests on the cold wall and his legs spread a bit on my mattress.
Now thats a seat.
I smirk to myself and straddle him.
I touch his face softly and my thumb wipes his bottom lip.
His lips part and his eyes open wide, looking up at me.
And I kiss him.
I suck on his tongue, showing him who's in control.
"Let me inside you"
He gasps
"But..you came only a few minutes ago"
"It's okay...use me"
I take a moment and exhale heavily before lowering myself on his member.
He moans in my mouth
"Oh fuck yes"
He loves the overstimulation.
I move up and down
Back and forth
My hands on his chest and collarbones that are covered in sweat and marks.
I go faster, finding the spot that makes us louder.
I ride him harder, desperate to cum for one last time.
I whine loudly and he follows.
After his first orgasm he has been way more vocal and Im loving it to the bone.
All those little vulnerable sounds, helplessly escaping his lips are doing so many things to me.
A few seconds before we lose our minds his fingers grab my waist tightly, his legs spread more and start to shake along with mine.
My forehead falls on his as I ride him on full speed.
Our eyes squeeze shut and we become undone in each others arms.

We gasp for air, trying to come back to our senses.
"That was insane"
He chuckles.
"It was, indeed"
I pant and hug him tightly, taking in the smell of sex our bodies have created.
He hugs me back, running his fingers on my naked back.
And we stay like this.

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now