46. Sad smile

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We are lucky.
My parents left the house without dad noticing Jungkook's presence.
Dad didn't even bother checking on me this morning.
I suppose mom was involved.
I am currently looking at Jungkook observing my room carefully, walking slowly to random directions whenever he notices something new.
He is going to be the main cause of me skipping classes.
He already is.
" I never got to observe anything in here carefully"
He points out, his eyes find the pictures that I have on my wall.
A few with my parents, more with my friends, and most of them with random stuff that I found beautiful or worth taking picture of.

"Yeah, we were too busy falling on my bed"
I chuckle, looking at him attentively as my hands are searching for my camera, somewhere on my nightstand.

He is too focused on the pictures to listen to what I'm saying.
At least he realized I said something.
I smile at his expression.
He seems so pure in moments like these.
His eyes can't leave the photos as he is moving his whole body from one to another.

"These are truly amazing"
He smiles coming closer to the area where I put the ones I took in the city streets in different hours of the day.
I smile. I'm glad he likes them.

The sound of my finger pressing the button on my camera startles him.
His head turns to my direction right away with a terrified but extremely adorable expression.

"Tell me that you won't let me take pictures of you and I'll cry"
I smirk drifting my gaze from my camera to his eyes.
"Do you like crying?"
He smirks back
"I freaking hate it"
I smile. He is worth the lie.
"But, I think it's obvious what my opinion is on torturing you"
"You don't think I'll ask for permission after this, do you?"
I giggle.
"I don't"
His lips curve upwards.
"What do you want me to do?"
His features form an expression too sweet for his question.
"Did you seriously think that I would ask you to pose?"
"Just wanted to make sure"
He giggles.
"Take your tshirt off"
I order, my eyes glued on him.
His eyes open widely and his eyebrows raise.
"I should have expected that"
He smirks but takes the material in his hands and pulls it upward, taking it off his body.
Is there even a day that I will get used to seeing this masterpiece?
Probably not.
I can feel my face heating up.
It takes a while till I hear him coughing lightly.
"Will...you..take pictures of me?"
His sweet tone makes me giggle as I'm coming back to reality.
"Yes, sorry"
I blush harder.
"Is there anything else I should do or can I go back at looking at your photos?"
He asks. No sarcasm in his tone.
"Do whatever you want"
I smile, somewhat excited as I'm preparing my camera.
"If I do that you won't be able to take any pictures"
He smirks
"Shut up"
My cheeks hurt from smiling for too long.
He turns his back to me, facing my wall, his eyes searching for photos that they haven't seen yet.
And now I can't stop myself.
His back muscles flex with his every small movement.
Soft sunlight hits his skin.
I dont waste a second.
I take pictures. Of him.
Him trying not to smile as he hears the "click"
Him looking over his shoulder and into the lens.
Him, finally turning around and leaning against the wall, his hands in his pockets with his thumbs hanging out of them, playing along.
Him giving a flying kiss to the camera.
Him getting offended because I told him that was too cliche.
And a thought crosses my mind briefly.
I start recording.
It takes him a few seconds to realize.
He is currently blushing of embarrassment not knowing what to do.
His gaze moves from the ground to my face slowly and when he sees me moving the camera he realizes.
He says.
His voice soft but deep.
My breath hisses.
Is that a statement? Is that a way to call me?
I keep my eyes focused on the screen trying to calm down a bit.
"You are recording me."
So he indeed called me.
His eyes find the lens.
"I am"
I whisper.
He sits on the floor and crosses his legs.
His forearms lean on his thighs and my eyes drop on his silver rings.
On his right hand, one on the middle finger and on his left one on his ring finger.
Its difficult to describe how perfectly they suit his hands.
"I love the person that is recording this video."
He speaks again and my heart beats faster.
"What are you doing?"
I giggle.
"Telling the truth. Also you will have to save this video forever"
"I will"
"I'm getting embarrassed"
He chuckles looking at me as if asking for help.
"Look at the camera sir"
"I can't keep a straight face if I look at it"
"Noone told you to keep a straight face"
I can't help giggling. I love this.
"Okay then."
He kneels on the floor and leans forward.
His palms rest on my bed for support as he bends over and kisses the lens.
I'm so not okay.
"What are you doing?!"
I laugh
"Kissing the future you that is watching the video"
I tense at the thought of watching this later.
"There's something there.."
He says, pointing somewhere outside my window.
I tend to look but he grabs the camera from my hands with the most satisfied look.
"I can't believe I fell for that!"
I whine.
"But you did"
He smiles proudly, looking at me through the camera.
"Do you know how to use it?"
I ask.
"Probably better than you do"
He smirks.
"Is that so?"
I raise an eyebrow.
"I mean I've been using one for like 5 years now"
He continues recording my figure on the bed as he went back on his spot. Leaning his back against the wall and sitting on the floor.
"I didn't know"
I smile, happily surprised.
"You do now"
He smiles, zooming in.
"You don't have to do that."
"I can't resist, you're beautiful"
His eyes are glued on the screen.
His words catch me off guard.
"Thank you"
I breathe out, still proceeding.
"I hope you believe it too someday"
He sounds serious.
He doesn't like the fact that I don't believe it.
I don't want to talk about this right now with him.
"I hope so too"
Sad smile.

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