2. moments

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"Look at me" he said.

You looked directly into his eyes...
"What...?!" You asked as you were getting embarrassed by his gaze
"Do you trust me?"
"Please be honest with me when I ask you things like that"
He says firmly staring at you with his deep gaze
"Im being honest and yes I trust you."

"Okay...are you scared...?"
"No....just embarrassed"
"You don't have to be...really"
"Okay...but you have to help me you know..."
"I know"
He smiled and kissed you softly
"You will help me too, won't you?"
"I will"
You hugged him tightly and whispered in his ear
"Maybe you are the one who is scared"
"You think so y/n?"
"I am not sure"
"Do I seem scared to you...?"
He asked with a smirk on his face making you gasp
You suddenly felt something very intense...something you couldn't control
His whole attitude had something that turned you on....it was indescribable....you wanted him so badly
You kneel above him as he remains sit resting on his elbows
You wrap your hand around his neck and start kissing him passionately..
Some kind of hunger fills your moves
He smirked while realizing your intentions
He makes you sit on his lap properly and holds on your waist tightly. He keeps on kissing you in your way....hungrily...suddenly you press your knee between his thighs willing to feel him...feel him get needy.
Your move makes him groan between the kiss and his hands go lower palming your butt slowly but roughly.

A few minutes after , still keeping the atmosphere hot, you stop to catch your breath and so did he....he seemed exhausted.

"Sorry...I was a bit out of control"
"A bit ?!"
He asked you ironically while laughing and trying to catch his breath
He could never imagine that you were
able to tease him like that...and he loved that unexpected feeling...he was needy now..and he wanted more..
"Ok maybe a little more than a bit..
I have the right to show what my feelings are haven't I?"
"Yes you have"
His words sounded a bit like begging and he got embarrassed when he realized it...
"I...mean....you can do whatever you want.."
Wait that sounded worse
"I-I mean...whatever..."
You laughed

"I need more.."
He says and comes closer to kiss your neck
He is treating it so roughly making you leave a truly exhausted moan out of your mouth...which made him chuckle silently against your skin, biting it playfully
"You are so cute when you get exhausted because of my moves"
He giggles with evilness against the wet skin of your neck

"Says the one who couldn't catch his breath a few minutes ago...."

You weren't getting tired..you just wanted to give your 100% to each other and that made you feel pleased and full of intense feelings

His palms are now rubbing onto your thighs smoothly..
His lips leave your neck for a moment and he lifts his gaze to look at you

"Just what?"
"Stay with me..."
"You opened your eyes widely and smiled"
"Can you keep kissing me for the rest of the night y/n...?"
He asked

You went closer and stared at him until your lips touched his softly
"I'll take that as a yes"
He smiled with relief and hugged your waist tightly
Your clothed sensitive area contacted his crotch and you couldn't help but beg him

"Can you please take off your underwear...?"
He smirked and lied down to your bed
He lifted his hips and started taking off his boxers, his gaze not leaving yours
You were getting more and more needy at every second that would pass
You looked briefly at the most sensitive part of his body which was now fully exposed to your eyesight

He caught you staring and you hurried to speak up

"Take off mine too please..."
You continued begging him

He went down to you to take your panties off
his moves were very careful and slow..when his warm hands touched your skin and took your underware off your body you closed your eyes willing to concentrate to his touch.

He tangled his fingers with yours while kissing your tummy softly..
You were very nervous as you didn't know which his next move would be....you were breathing very heavily
He slowly came next to your ear and..
"I.....want......to....feel you"
He whispered slowly
His hot breath in your ear making you  shiver
With that one word he knew he had your permission to do all the things he wanted.

He started kissing your mouth and slowly started going down to your body still kissing almost every inch of your skin as you got goosebumps all over your body......after his every kiss he was leaving a heavy breath out of his mouth letting his excitement show.......when he reached under your belly button he stopped to look at you again..
Your look had something innocent but he realized you were enjoying every moment.

Your look had something innocent but he realized you were enjoying every moment

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-Getting hotter and hotter 😋

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now