12. back home

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You kept on staring at his face after he gave you that peck
Now at his eyes
He didn't ask you why he just stared back at you
-You make me wanna eat your entire face
He started blushing
He chuckled looking away

"You really dont know how to react dont you?"
"You make me wanna eat you in general"
You burst out laughing
"Do I ?"
"I want us to go back home"
"Me too"
You started going down the hill
You held hands as you reached the street and kept on walking
During your way home you didnt exchange a word
You were just staring deeply at each other sometimes
When you arrived it was already 2:00.

The house was filled by the darkness of the night
You hardly could see but you decide to leave the lights turned off
You went to your bedroom but he stayed at the living room looking outside

You yelled from your room
he asked even though he had heard you
You kept on yelling
he had heard everything and smirked right after
"IS IT?"
he wanted to hear it again
He reached your room and found you looking outside your window without moving an inch
He grabbed your arm to turn you to his direction and pressed his lips powerfully on yours
You tried to pull out to breathe but he kissed you again making your breath fill his lungs
"I liked that..."
"Me too"
"Shall we go to bed?"
"I dont know, are you tired?"
"Kind of.."

You laid down and stared at the ceiling exhaling deeply.
His head turned to your direction and his eyes fell on your face
He pulls you closer keeping no space between your bodies
You could feel a desire built inside you and your head lifts up to reach the level of his neck
You bury your facial features in the curve between his neck and shoulder
and smell his body
The tip of your tongue exits your mouth and licks playfuly but slowly the smooth skin of his neck
His breath leaves his mouth shaky as he gasps
His eyes are now focused on you

"Your skin is like it was made to be touched all the time"
You say meeting his gaze with your own eyes

He turns to his side to have a better view of you and your hands immediately took a hold of his T-shirt
You pull it upwards and his body is slowly exposed to your thirsty eyes

He helps you take it off completely and he is now doing the same with your oversized T-shirt

He comes on top of you quickly and you can feel the temperature off your bodies was increasing your touches.
Your hands reach for his sweatpants and with his help they are off his body in a few seconds

His abs had become one with your tummy as his hips are resting between your spread legs

Even though you had your underwears still on you can feel him perfectly against you and the feeling of his thin clothed crotch rubbing your also thin clothed area is so satisfying for both of you

His face comes closer to connect his lips with yours that parted instantly for him to dive his tongue inside
But as he is in the mood for teasing you, his tongue pulls out from your mouth and tastes your lower lip making you whine with need

He stops kissing you and his eyes open widely along with yours
He exhales a struggling sigh

"Are you ok?"
You ask trying to read his emotions

"Im having a boner again"
He chuckles breathlessly looking down at your connected bodies

You leave a heavy breath of hidden exitement escape your mouth and wrap your legs around his waist and pull him closer making his condition worse
He felt your hands reaching his tight black boxers and slowly pulling them down...he couldnt control his breathing any more
You didnt took his member out of them completely, you just wanted to take it out of his tight boxers so that he would be more comfortable

You touched him gently making his eyes close and his teeth bite his lower swollen lip
He is counting on his elbows and knees right above your figure

"Take off your underwear please"

 he begs needily whispering in your ear

You took them off slowly to tease him a bit

"Now...take off mine too"
Your hands went lower on his waist and pulled his boxers down to his thighs. He kneels above you to take them off completely
The view in front of you was magical

His flawless naked figure kneeling widely above you spreading your own thighs more

Your P.O.V.

I shiver at the feeling of his soft fingertips running along my spread thighs making me weak
He is driving me crazy with all these little touches..His fingers leave my skin and do something I would never imagine he would do in front of me

He touches his tip softly while his tongue passed over his lower lip
I see him playing teasingly with himself when his knees are still stable on my bed
I'm sure he knows how badly the whole view turns me on and when I'm about to take action he speaks up
"I dont know if I will be able to be gentle this time"


hope you like this one;) Thank you for reading!!💜💜

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now