7. punishment

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"Are you ok babe?"

He said breathlessly

I"m very close...ah.."

"Mee too"

He pulls out and you release together
You were sweaty and excausted for one more time
You fell on your bed breathing heavily

"Was I too rough?....Did I hurt you?.."

"Its okay....it was fun tho...you smiled" inoccently looking at him

"It was your fault anyway"
He turned his head to look at you, his sweaty figure laying beside you

"What..oh..you're right.."
You laughed

"I would never imagine that if I teased you a bit I would get that kind of punishment"

You say and you both burst out laughing embarrassed

"Well...I wouldn't say punishment.....I thought it was more something like....the way to show you what I am able to do when you tease me like that.....and to show you that I love you of course, cause what we just did was love wasn't it?"

"A "rough version of love" let's say.... "

you laugh

"I like the way it sounds"

"Well...I guess we should shower..AGAIN.."

He gets up and nodds

"But....You have to help me"

"That was what I was about to do anyway..."
he smiled
You hugged each other for a few good  seconds

He carries you to the bathroom
You enter the shower and sit on the floor as you couldn't stand still.
He opened the faucet and the water poured on your bodies

"Babe you have to get on your knees so that I'll be able to wash you....are you able to stand on your knees?"

"Yes..thank you"

You said and closed your eyes
He closed the faucet as you got on your knees
He took some of your shower gel in his hands and started caressing your body
He went from your neck slowly down to your chest where he touched you softly and carefully....his hands went down to your tummy but then he looked at you
You just nodded so he kept on caressing you down there making  made you moan at the sensation of his fingers spread with gel touching your sensitivity
He smiled and then continued down to your thighs
"Will you turn around now?"
he asked politely
You turn your back to him and he comes closer behind you
You were still sitting on the floor
He pulls your hair away to reveal your back and kisses you there softly

"You are so beautiful"
He whispers in your ear from behind and you smile silently
You turn to face him
He is blushing as he seems to be in his own world
He suddenly comes back to reality and takes a serious look
he started spreading the shower gel all over your shoulders, arms and naked back.. he didnt hesitate to continue his moves down to your butt, making you smile.
His hands went all the way at the back of your legs and he was now finished.

He opened the faucet to wash the shower gel off your body.

"Thank you"
you said while blushing and smiled widely

"You know..I could wash myself...I just couldn't stand still, that's all"

"I know....I just wanted to touch you so badly and Im glad that though you noticed you could do it yourself you didnt refused me to wash you...so thank you for letting me do that....I will wash myself now, ok?"

He's expressing himself so freely all of a sudden. He makes you blush and think for a few seconds at his words

He helped you exit the shower and wrapped a towel around you
You sit down watching him washing his perfect body
Spreading the shower gel on his strong arms and abs..
After a few minutes he exited the shower and wrapped a towel around his waist
You couldn't stop staring at every detail of his body

"Am I that handsome y/n.?"

He smiled while pulling his hair back

You knew his words were full of irony but you decided to didn't give him the response he actually wanted to hear

He started laughing..
He was so cute and adorable when he was smiling like this
He helped you walk to your room
He took off his towel and put on his boxers and T-shirt

"Can you bring me my bra and a new underwear please?"

He brought them to you

"I'm not dressing you up this time"


"Its the final part of my revenge for teasing me"
He laughed

You sighed
You take off your towel too and start putting on your bra and underwear
You're done, wearing your favourite black bra and underwear

"Oh god...why you have to be so hot.."
He sighed deeply while stepping closer grabbing your hips pulling into a deep kiss
You kissed him back and touched his neck with both of your hands
"Nah..I think you got that feature way more than I do"

"Do I ?"


you nod, looking in his eyes with honesty

You put on an oversized black T-shirt that you found in your closet and you both went to the kitchen to eat something...


Heyy!! Happy holidays to you all!! See you in the next chapter💜💜

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now