38. water

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"I don't want to tell you anything specific"

He looks at my lips and then right into my eyes but I don't look away. I don't want to.

"Its not like I really want to know anyway"
I smile and lock my fingers with his and I notice the big black hoodie that he is holding with his other hand.

"Do you think you're going to need that?"
I point at it. The truth is that its windy and I feel myself getting goosebumps because of the cold air on my skin but I don't want to think about that now.

"Yes. Why didn't you bring one? You might catch a cold. Go inside and take one, I'll wait."
I chuckle
"There is no way I'm getting into the house just to go out a few seconds after. They will wake up."
He seems hesitant after my statement.

"Okay we'll share mine. First you wear it for a while and then I do etc"
His eyes form a serious look with the help of his eyebrows as he looks at some random direction before diving his dark eyes into mine.

"Okay" I smile and look away.

We start walking at the same pace and I swing our arms back and forth playfully trying to earn some reaction from him.

"What are you so excited for?"
He chuckles looking down at my face.

"Its my first time sneaking out of my house and the fact that I'm doing it with you makes it even more exciting than it would be if I would do it alone."
I admit smiling up at him.

"I'm happy you believe that. But save your energy for later."
He says proudly.

"What the hell is your plan about? I'm usually not interested in this kind of stuff but you are teasing me way too much."
I frown.

"Please be patient my love"
The end of his sentence makes my heart hurt in the best way possible and I decide to not push the topic anymore.

His steps stop right in front of a bus stop making mine stop too.
I won't make any questions from now on.
I'm sure we are going to have a great time whatever his plan is.


Except from us, four other people have taken the bus, making the atmosphere calm and peaceful.

We take seats next to each other, me next to the window and Jungkook beside me, touching my hand softly without holding it properly but I don't make any comments. I like this light contact. This soft brushing makes me lose interest in any other sensation and just focus on it.

My eyes wander outside the window, onto the cars and buildings. Night is just so nice.
But I still can't ignore the fast beating of my heart.
I hear him say to himself as he looks the place where we are about to get off the bus.
The sky is dark blue and the city lights can now be counted with my fingers.
The sea is only a few minutes away.
The moon light is shining, dancing with the dark water.
We finally step out of the bus and he takes my hand in his again.
He starts walking and I follow since he seems to have something in mind.

We reach the beach and I can feel the soft sand under my sneakers.
I usually don't like beaches with sand because whenever I swim and look inside my vision becomes blurry. Plus there is nothing interesting to see if there is only sand and water there to see.
I prefer the beaches with the little colorful rocks.
They're so beautiful.
But now, it doesn't matter. It's so dark that in both cases I wouldn't be able to see a thing.

We sit down next to each other and for a few minutes we don't do nothing but appreciate the cool wind and the peaceful blue black scenery in front of us.

"Do you remember the time when you said to me that we could go to the beach with your parents?"
His voice is soft with a teasing tone in it.
I recall telling him about it and I just realize that it never really happened.
"Shit I'm sorry!"
I say,my voice getting higher and I hear him chuckle.
But wait.
Oh yes.
"You know that we can-"
I turn my head to continue my sentence but Jungkook has already started taking his t-shirt off, standing up beside me.
The skin of his upper body now looks smoother than anything as the moonlight is the only light that makes his flesh visible.
He is toned as always, helping the light create shadows on the irresistible curves of his muscles on his chest, arms and stomach.
No sound is coming from my throat as he throws his tshirt on the ground and his hands travel down his waist to grab his belt to unbuckle it. Once its undone his fingers unbutton his jeans and start pulling the zipper down.
The second before his hands pull his ripped jeans down to his ankles he looks down at me.
"Are you coming with your clothes on or what?"
He smirks waiting for me to strip as well.
"No, but I prefer to watch a bit more.."
I smirk back at him as I start getting impatient for his hands to finally pull down these tight jeans.
He chuckles but decides to torture me a bit before giving me what I want.
He turns his figure to me now standing still in front of me with his undone jeans hanging loosely around his small waist, letting his black boxers show.
I'm still sitting down, having this glorious view if his body only a few inches away from me.
"Can you pull them down for me?"
He grins down at me and then looks at his jeans that are practically begging to fall down his ankles.
I get on my knees and grab the tight cloth -where his belt is hanging unbuckled- with both of my hands.
I slowly start pulling them downwards but I cant ignore the fact that my face is right in front of his crotch, letting my breath hiss for a moment.
I continue my actions, pulling his jeans down to his toned and thick thighs that I like so much and I see goosebumps forming on his smooth skin.
I can't resist and lean in to create some soft contacts with my lips against his left inner thigh while my hands continue pulling the cloth down his knees and finally on his feet.
I place my palms on each of his thighs as my mouth keeps on leaving kisses on them.
I can hear his breath getting heavier every time my mouth come closer to his crotch.
Seconds later, he steps out of his jeans and takes off his sneakers and socks with ease and stands back up in front of my hungry self.
I run my right palm up his left thigh and smoothly dive under his tight boxers, caressing the warm skin of his hips..
Soon my other hand follows and rests on his other hip bone, touching it softly.
This is so satisfying for me. Feeling his skin getting warmer under my touch.
He cant help but breathe with his mouth slightly open as he is attentively watching my every move.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Her hands are driving me crazy.
The teasing is too much and I almost cant take it.
I feel like my lower abdomen is burning under her flesh.
She presses with her fingers lightly on my v line and my head automatically falls back and a heavy breath leaves my lungs and escapes my parted lips.
I say in a low tone as my hand reaches her head, stoking her hair.
Suddenly I feel the loss if the warm feeling of her hands on me.
I hear her giggle and the second I open my eyes she is standing on her feet.
Her hands grab the hem of her tshirt pulling it over her head and throwing it next to mine.
My eyes are now glued on her body.
Her soft tummy, her delicious collar bones and he oh so beautiful chest, covered by her black bra.
Her scent fills my nostrils as I breathe heavily after realizing that I wasn't breathing at all for a few seconds.
She unbuttons her black denim shorts and pulls down the zipper slowly making me more impatient to see what's under them.
When they are finally on the sand I can admire her almost fully as she is standing in front of me with her black bra and panties, smiling madly up at me.
Her fingers approach my hair and run through them as we keep on staring into each other's eyes.
She blushes but turns her head immediately to look at the sea.
I chuckle at her cuteness and I begin to run, eager to feel the water on my body.
She yells, probably upset with my actions but I still find her every reaction adorable.
I jump into the sea, diving deeply into the dark water feeling the coldness everywhere on my flesh..
I stand on my feet, now being half out of the water and turn to look at her direction.
But she is nowhere to be seen.
I shout but I stop when I feel something moving close to me but under the water.
Suddenly I feel arms wrapping around my waist and a figureis now standing in front of me.
Her hair all wet and pushed back and her eyes wide open looking intensely at me.
She bursts into laughter and I smile.

"You should have seen your face"
She says through heavy breathing.
"You were totally like-what the hell is that-"
She says and keeps on laughing
She is so beautiful when she is laughing.
And this is the first time I don't wanna pay her back for laughing at me.
I'm just too lost to admiring her. Being all happy and careless.
I grab her nape and lock my mouth with hers passionately, pressing softly my wet lips on hers..our wet bodies touch intensely as she places a hand on my cheek and I touch her lower back with my right palm, pushing her more onto me and she moans through the hot connection of our lips, her warm breath filling my lungs.
Her fingers start to play with my wet hair and she speaks lowly against my lips
"Don't you dare cut these beautiful curls"
I laugh and grab her hips powerfully, feeling her wet skin on mine.
"I'm glad you like them"
I say, my voice coming out deeper than usual.
"Touch me.."
She whispers and runs a hand between our bodies, rubbing my chest and abs with her fingertips.
I listen to her being more than willing touch every inch of her body.
I lean down to her chest and start leaving open mouthed kisses on the parts that her bra can't cover while diving my right hand under her soaked black panties, teasing her entrance with my middle finger.
I hear her fast breathing and I get even more excited when I feel her own fingers pull the waistband of my boxers towards her..
"Don't tease me"
I speak against her wet chest that is now painted with red and purple hickeys at the spots I kissed harshly
"You aren't better yourself.."
She says talking back at me
I decide not to hold back anymore. I push her bra aside and take her right nipple in my mouth sucking on it heavily and then grazing my tongue around it.
Goosebumps spread on her flesh but she doesn't hesitate to please me.
Her hand is finally under my tight boxers grabbing me tightly while stroking up and down..
I groan when she tightens her grasp and immediately push my middle finger between her folds. I start playing with her clit roughly, my finger drawing circles around it..
"Your ring.."
She breathes out
"You are wearing a few too but I'm never complaining"
She giggles and keeps on moving her hand up and down on me making me groan louder than before.
"We're lucky there is noone here"
She chuckles but gasp right after as I add my index finger to continue playing with her clit fast roughly. My mouth leaves her nipple and searches for her sweet lips once more.

"Baby..I think we are going to enjoy this night more than I thought"

I'm sorry for the late upadate😪😪
It was a long one tho😎💜💜
Thank you for reading I love you

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