19.couldn't bare a loss

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"What the hell have you put in there?!"


My toothbrush, my toothpaste, two towels, my slippers, my pijamas and.."


"My underwears.."

"What kind of underwears??"
I said raising an eyebrow.

"Why is it important?"

"You didn't answer my question"

I smirk and lean closer...I like making her nervous...but maybe I didn't this time. It didn't work.

"You'll find out tonight.."

She whispered playfully making me curious as hell.

I sigh deeply.

"Ok we must go now."


She opens the door and we exit the house quietly..

I put my arm around her shoulder as we head to my house.

Suddenly she turns her head to my direction with a worried look on her face:

"Did you tell your parents?"

"Of course I did!"


"When you were getting ready."

"Oh...I don't wanna know my dad's reaction after my mom tells him about this.."

She chuckles but I can sense the nervousness in her tone

"Me neither actually...but I will have to deal with you dad's opinion someday.."

"Jungkook....we are going to get through some stuff in the future...especially when the new school year starts...are sure you want to do this...?"

She seems worried all of a sudden...
I admit I'm a bit too..but the only thing I'm sure of is that I can't imagine myself without her.
I stop walking right in front of her, blocking her way and with my eyes wide open, looking deeply into hers, I answer her question:

"Y/n, I'm staying with you no matter what your dad or mom say.
I would sneak into your house to see you if it's necessary!
They can't keep you away from me, got it?!"

Your P.O.V.

I smile to him as I feel tears filling my eyes and run down my face..

"Go-ot it.."

I chuckle through my tears as I see him looking at me surprised before pulling me into his arms, hugging me tightly....he sighs in my ear..:

"Stop crying 'cause I'll start crying too."

He says in a low tone in my ear still holding me tightly in his strong arms..
But I can't stop...I love him so much..and I wanna feel this moment...I want to remember every second..

"Jungkook I love you"

I say and his arms tighten around me
My arms are now wrapped around his small waist...

"I love you too..."

I hear him say and I feel my hands shaking..
He pulls away a few inches and I lift my head a bit to face him smiling to me..wait, his eyes are red.

"Did you cr-"
Before I finish my question I feel his soft and wet lips on mine moving slowly..
His big right palm on the left side of my neck..
He breaks the kiss..

"It feels like we'll die if we stay a bit longer here"

"Why? Can't you stand being emotional?!"

"No. I can't control myself when I'm being emotional or touched by something and I really don't like it when that happens."

"That's exactly what I like about it."
I say lifting my head up proudly with some tease.

"You like losing control?"

"Yeah..and I believe you do too."

I smirk.

"What makes you say that?"

"Last night for example!"

He looks down embarrassed.

"Ha! Got ya!"

"Fine, maybe only at this part.."

I chuckle and tangle my fingers with his as we reach his house.

He takes the keys out of his pocket and opens the door.


Thank you for reading!💜💜 Please leave a comment, I realky wanna know your opinion😖

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now