14. don't stop

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She seems to enjoy every moment
She is not scared at all even though I warned her many times.

Her gaze is full of lust and desire and so is mine.

When the words "calm down" came out of her mouth I only thought that I heard one of the biggest lies ever.

Her look was totally disagreeing with those words.
She knew I wouldn't calm down.

"Please, I want to feel you again.."

She said breathlessly staring at the ceiling with her head thrown back.

"You have to choose between liar and bipolar."
I say chuckling, a bit surprised by her begging

Her palms pull my neck..
Our lips lock so well together.
Our breaths fill each others lungs as my tip reaches her entrance....finally....

She moans in my mouth turning me more on if thats possible.
No more teasing, I enter her roughly without warning.


We both groan at my actions.
I can't wait as a feeling of intense lust blinds me and I start to thrust deep and rough inside her making her fingertips press against my back.

She leaves light scratches with her nails...but it doesnt hurt...it feels good.
She opens her legs more for me to have better access

I take the chance and thrust deeper in a slow but rough pace and thats the moment when she bites my bottom lip and I go faster...groaning loudly at every thrust...It feels really good...

She can't stop moaning....
The sound of my name escaping her mouth through all this heavy breathing and moaning is the best thing I've ever heard.

She feels so tight around me making it feel even better
Our sweating bodies are continiously touching..
My hips moving at the same pace as hers.
My chest grinding on hers....
Our belly buttons are  connected..
My thighs slapping her inner ones..
I move faster searching for our orgasms
I go deeper while increasing my pace
I suck on her upper lip making her moan louder
My thrusts got uneven as I feel Im close....Im sure she is too

Your P.O.V.

I'm about to release in any second but I try to hold it...I want to release with him
He pulls out and thats when we both do..

"That.... felt.... really... good ...babe.."

He says through his heavy breathing

I couldnt reply...I was trying to come back to reality....he really took it to another level today...but the truth is that it ended up feeling good....even though he had been a bit rough with me...

" I won't apologize for being rough."

He said firmly like he had just read my thoughts, smirking evily at my direction.

I say giving him a weak smile as Im still trying to get myself together

" I would forgive you anyway"
I smile
He lays beside me
We both look at the ceiling until I feel his eyes on me.
I turn my head to him
"Di-id you like it...?"
He asks seriously
I chuckle
"I-I...loved it...seriously!"
"Me too"
He smiled
"It didnt bother me that much"
"The fact that you were rough...it didnt bother me"
He turns his whole body to my direction and wraps his big right arm around me still looking straight at my eyes
"So you mean...that you liked me that way?"
I dont want to answer this honestly because he will be a full of himself for the whole following week or something

" It was o-ok.."
I say and turn around avoiding his intense stare without saying the words he wanted to hear.
My back facing his chest.
His arm is now slowly wrapping around my waist and I feel his chuckle against the back of my neck.

"Let's sleep babe"
He says softly behind me
I nodded.

The hot skin of his chest is one with my bare back as I feel him falling asleep
I sleep too..

Next morning

I slowly open my eyes...he is still asleep laying on his back while my left hand is resting on his lower abs.

I put my head down on his chest to hear him breathe...
his chest is going up and down...

I can easily hear his heart beating...

What an amazing feeling...

He's breathing...he's alive..

He's here...laying right beside me.

I leave small pecks on his collarbones and neck as I can't resist the smoothness of his skin....making his breathing heavier and his heartbeat faster...



I hope you enjoy this story!
Thank you for reading💜
-also the phrase ''you put your head down on my chest to hear me breath'' is actually a part of the song ''destination anywhere'' by Bon Jovi which I used to listen to a lot a few years ago.(I just had the need to share that thank you)

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now