18. his plan

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We are in the livingroom sitting nervously on the couch....

I take his hand in mine as we are waiting for my parents to come..

-We must show them how happy we are with each other!
They must understand that we trully need each other and how important this is for us!

I say looking at the ground focusing on my thoughts.

-In other words we must act naturally.

He smiles.

-I mean how else could we act?

-I don't know...nervously and insecurely maybe, you worried bunny?!

I laugh..

After a few minutes we hear someone unlocking the door and we both stand up to face my mom and dad entering the house..

I approach them quickly to hug them..

-Welcome back!

I say with a smile on my face and we slowly break the hug.

-Mom, dad this is Jungkook,..my boyfriend.

I say smiling while Jungkook shakes my mom's and dad's hand.

He's acting...naturally I guess.

My parents seem quite surprised..

-Nice to meet you Jungkook..
Now if you excuse us we will go and get some rest..

Says my dad and rushes into my parents' bedroom.

My mom seems more positive somehow:

-Would you like to drink or eat something Jungkook?

She smiles politely.

-No, thank you.. we ate breakfast a few hours ago so..

-Oh I see..

She looks at me with suspicious look.
Shit! Did he have to say that?! Now she'll definetely understand that he slept here and..

He notices the worried look on my face and continues talking:

-As long as I woke up I texted her to ask if we could have breakfast together.

He said smiling reassuringly to my mom

-I see..

She smiles back as she seems to believe his words.

Oh god that was close..

I turn my head to his direction and he winks at me playfully.
I give him an excausted smile..

-Y/n, I'll go get some rest too..-

-Can Y/n stay at my house for tonight miss??

My eyes widen at his words.
What did he just asked my mom?!
Her eyes widen too and for a moment I'm sure that she thought she misheard something.

-Umm, will your parents be at home Jungkook??

-Of course they will!

He answers directly.

-Then it's ok.

She says and before she leaves the room she looks at me:

-Take care of yourselves and Y/n please don't be late tomorrow, I don't want us to argue again.

I gave her a serious look to gain her trust.

-Ok mom.

She leaves the room quietly, enters the bedroom and closes the door behind her.

I turn to Jungkook immediatly as I couldn't believe what just happened.
He seems quite shocked too.

-My mom just allowed me to spent the night to my boyfriends house.

I spoke to myself as if there was nobody else in the room.

He chuckled:

-I thought it would be way more difficult.

I heard him say.

-I mean..they do seem strict but not as much as you said they were.

-Don't forget we are still on our summer vacation!

-True...Anyway, I want to spent my summer vacation as good as possible so go get your stuff ready and let's go.

He says seriously making me blush.
I chuckle..
how adorable can he be..

-Ok I'm going, you wait here.

I rush into my bedroom and start to search about a backpack to put my things into...

Jungkook's P.O.V.

As soon as she leaves the living room I take out my phone and call my mom:

-Hey mom!

-Jungkook! I seriously thought you forgot about us for the past two days!!

-Stop it! I know, I'm sorry I didn't call you or dad.

-It's ok, we knew you wanted to spend time with your girlfriend...

-Thank you..anyway, I wanted to tell you that Y/n is sleeping at our house tonight, just to let you know.



-Jeon Jungkook, if you ever arrange anything like that without asking first there will be cosequences!

-Yeah sure, I'll hang up now, bye.


After a few more ninutes she enters the living room again holding a very big back pack and a big smile is planted on her lips..she is so cute right now..


Heyyy guys!!! So, more chapters are coming since I have a new phone now and Im really excited about that:) leave a comment if you want to and thank you all so much for reading this book!💜💜

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now