32. late

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Your P.O.V.

I spent the break with my best friend discussing everything about our vacation and making fun of each other in a hilarious and friendly way as we always do. I missed her so much.
A few minutes after the bell rang we take separate ways as we head to our classes. I'm kinda late. I knock on the door lightly being slightly nervous about my teacher's upcoming behavior but enter the classroom quickly closing the door behind me.

"I'm sorry for being late"
I say and look into her eyes before she could pronounce a word towards me.

"It's the last time Y/n"

I agree and look up to check around the classroom if there are any empty seats.

The first thing my eyes land to is Jungkook's dark and big ones.
He is intensely staring at me.
I drift my gaze down to his lips as they start to curve upwards the lightest possible.
I get tensed immediately and make my way towards the only empty seat at the back of the room passing by his seat.

As I seat down I can't help but turn my head to his direction and- shit I almost gasped.
He has buried his head on his left shoulder to turn his head back to my direction for only his eyes to be visible by me
He is elbowing his desk still diving his eyes into mine.
I take out a piece of paper and write down.

Stop staring like that, you're eyeballs will dry out

I fold it and wait till our teacher turns her back to us to face the whiteboard so that I could throw it to him.

He turns his attention to our teacher too for the same purpose and when what we expected happened he turns to me ready to grab the folded piece of paper.

I throw it and he catches it successfully. He opens it eagerly and right after reading the content lifts his gaze up to meet mine while a smirk is forming on his lips.

I respond with the same action and watch him writing something new in the same piece of paper.

When the circumstances are ideal again he throws it to me.

My eyes are VERY okay when I'm looking at you don't worry.

I chuckle looking at him, seeing that he looks forward so the only thing that I can see is his back body.

I can't stop thinking that we did it only an hour ago so roughly yet amazingly after those four lonely nights.

The feeling that I get when my naked body contacts his is indescribable and it will never be forgotten as the sensation is already buried deeply as a beautiful memory inside my brain.

Until the end of the lesson we kept on exchanging notes keeping a pleasurable aura between us.
He throws a new piece of paper to my direction.

Why don't you pay attention to the lesson?

He smirks

Because I don't want to. I have better things to do right now.

I throw it to him without warning making it hit his head making him jump completely annoyed by my action.

Jungkook's P.O.V.

I'm looking outside the window waiting for her answer as something  hits my head.
What the-
I jump and gaze down seeing the piece of paper that ended up beside my desk
I turn around to glare at her
She's holding her laugh in probably because of my frightened reaction.
I giggle as her smile is always so contagious.
I pick up the note, read the content and write down.

Like what? Staring back at me?
Maybe. Maybe not. I'm also thinking.
Thinking about what? I'm thinking about earlier a lot...
Me too. I loved it.
You like me rough don't you?

I swear, I've never seen such a mischievous expression forming on his features.

Stop it. We're in class.
What are you afraid of? Nobody knows what we're talking about.
She will catch us exchanging notes and I'm not in the mood for detention on he first day at school.
I am. We would spend time alone.
So you want us to arrange how to take detentions from now on?
Why not?
Ok we will do that but not today. We have already skipped science.
Ok baby

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now