17. real

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So he..
Before I could proceed what he just said he speaks again

"As long as I realized there was a possibility to lose you I realized how much I need you.
When I thought of your parents telling you to leave me I wanted to cry my eyes out but I didn't want you to see me like that so I hit the wall to stop myself from tearing up.
There has been only a few days we've been together and I already can't imagine myself without you..
I can't imagine a morning waking up and not seeing you..
I don't know why but you make feel so right."

He pauses and I feel my inside burning after repeating his words in my mind...

I quickly wrap my hands around his neck and kiss him deeply..

He pulls off and speaks again.

"Y/N..I want to give you something that I've never given to anyone"
He says breathlessly.

"What is it?.."
I ask


He says and I gulp..but before I can react he kisses me again..
We turn around and now I am on top of him

"Your words are very irritating.."

I say in a low tone in his right ear and come to his lips again..

mature content

I start to undress him and he does the same to me.

We both stay with our underwears on and he comes on top of me again...
his kisses cover my neck and collar bones.

He is going down on my body...when he reaches my chest he takes off my bra to continue...
he kisses and licks all over my breast sending goosebumps everywhere on my flesh.

His warm lips and tongue on my skin..

My breathing is uncontrollable now...

He continues down to my tummy and leaves two big hickeys under my belly button...I run out of breath...

His cold but soft fingers take off my panties slowly....his eyes don't leave mine...

He softly places his palms on my thighs and kisses my sensitive area as I leave a heavy breath escape my mouth.

He comes back to look at me and smiles..
This smile meant a lot..I'm sure..It wasn't fake at all...it was genuine..

He kneels above me to take off his boxers...his eyes concentrated on my gaze.

I feel my heart beating faster and faster as he comes close again.

I'm sure my cheeks are red right now...
I'm shaking inside...It feels like...like it's the first time we do this...like..the other times we were just experimenting..like we were searching for something and now we found it..we are sure now...I can see it in his gaze...

I whine as I feel his tip at my entrance...

He enters me slowly and our hips, fully connected, start to move at the same slow pace...his chest grinds on mine...

He places his left hand on my lower back to press my body against his and comes closer to kiss my lips once more..

"I'm yours."

I can't control myself anymore..
I've fallen so deeply...

I put my right palm on his neck to pull him closer while he takes the inside of my left knee to make me wrap my leg around his waist..

He has better access now...
he takes the chance and thrusts deeper..
I moan and he groans loudly.

Oh god his voice..

He leans again to kiss me...
I feel the sweat all over my chest and back...he's sweating too..

Our wet lips feel so good together..
I wrap both of my legs around his waist pulling him deeper and he groans in my mouth.

I'm a moaning mess as he hits my spot continiously.

I know he's close and so am I..

Our eyes shut tightly when he pulls out and we both come..

We are panting like crazy and I expect him to throw himself beside me on the bed as he usually does but..no..not his time..

As long as we finish he hugs me tightly..
pulling me into his strong arms..

He breaks the hug and looks at me...a worried feeling fills his eyes again..

"Yah! Nobody's separating us, got it ?"

I ask with all the strength that's left inside me.

"Go-ot it..."

"If you keep worrying I'll punch you!!"

"Ok ok!!"
He chuckles

"You know...I don't know if you noticed but we..never... last long"

"Wha-oh..Well I don't know about you but it's really difficult for me to hold it..."

"Yeah..for me too.."

"I'm sure this will change as time goes by....I mean..we're still young and these were our first times ever doing this so..it's normal to be like this.."

God I talk to him like we've been together for years..what's happening to me..

My parents will be at home in anytime now and I admit I'm kind of worried too...


Thank you for readiiiing💜💜💜💜

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