10. on the bus

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We got on the bus still holding hands..

It just feels right when I'm with him.
I feel safe.
Which feeling is really rare to find.

The bus was full of people so we had no choice but stand still.
There was no room for anyone to move properly.
He was behind me holding my shoulder lightly with his right palm
Our bodies were intensely pressed against each other and when the bus driver suddenly stopped the bus to the first bus stop I felt his erection  from behind.
I left a heavy breath and turned my head calmly over my left shoulder to face him.
He didn't notice my gaze as he was busy looking outside the bus windows but I noticed his heavy breathing quite easily
He lowered his gaze to meet mine when he felt me looking at him

I said a bit awkwardly and turned my head to look straight again but my head lowered as I started thinking weird stuff when I felt him pressing against me again
"Are you ok babe?"

He asked in my ear acting confused
How can he not realize that he touches me, plus when he has a boner..?!

"Im okay"

Jungkook's P.O.V.

Shit..why now...
If only this god damn bus didn't stop so suddenly at every bus stop...
And she is wearing nothing but her bra and panties under this over sized T-shirt...which doesn't help my condition very much
Fuck not again
Wait-was that a small moan that I heard?!

"Are you ok babe?"
I decided to ask her in a confused tone trying not to make her notice my awareness bout this
Im sure she knows I've already noticed
I lean my head over her right shoulder and whisper in her ear

"If you weren't dressed like this I wouldn't be in such a condition"

your P.O.V.

I smirk right after and bite my lower lip to let him know I didn't regret what my clothing was

"Oh so that was your purpose huh?!"
"Shut up"
He laughed quietly

Half an hour after we took another bus so that we would be able to get out of the city
We walked for a few minutes until we reached the first of the hills I meant
It was already pretty late

"Y/n these seem huge..."
He complained when he faced the hill

"They are not"
I smiled
We started walking and climbing up the hill
It was pretty exhausting I have to admit but he seemed to be alright all of a sudden

We reached the top after half an hour and I was breathing like crazy
He was doing so too but he didnt seem as excausted as I was..
We quickly laid on the green surface that was covering the top of the hill
We still weren't able to catch our breaths


You said loudly pointing at the sky
He laughed and pulled you inside his arms

Your head was resting on his chest and your arm was wrapping his waist tightly to erase the space between your bodies
You could feel his heart beating fast as hell
His arms were wrapped around your body trying to make you feel warm
You suddenly hovered on top of him and kissed him passionately
Your now cool breath was feeling his lungs as he kept on kissing you asking for more

You were counting on your elbows and knees
He was between your legs holding your hips tightly
His hands slowly went under yout T-shirt to have full access of your thighs...he started rubbing them in a slowly but powerfully making you numb, trying your best to keep your position
Your T-shirt was lifted up a bit because of his moves ,exposing your lower body
You gasped when you realized
"Noone will see us babe...It's just us up here"

"Ye-eah you're right"

His hands reached the back of your thighs and pulled you closer to continue the kiss

Your P.O.V.

I wasn't cold anymore...
My body was burning up and so was his
I put my right palm inside his T-shirt touching his abs heading to his chest which was almost ready to explode due to his fast heartbeating

He was having such a hard time breathing
I got excausted and he let me let my weight fall on him
I slowly put my hand out of his T-shirt but as soon as I do he takes it off

"Sorry...I just suddenly felt hot"

"Its okay but Im quite sure you will catch a cold if you stay a bit more like this"

"What if I cant feel the cold at all?!"

And how is this supposed to happen ?!
I asked ironically with a small smirk on my face
He lays beside me again.


hey guyyys!! thank you for reading💜💜

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