34. dance class

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"sounds interesting.."
She raises an eyebrow, smiling evilly at me.
She stands up and grabs her backpack from the floor and heads to the bathroom.

"Where are you going?"
I ask her being kind of confused.

"Imma go change. Shouldn't you guys change??"
Shit, I almost forgot about it and so did Chim and Hobi, judging by the fact that they haven't even mentioned changing their clothes.

"Oh god I literally forgot"
I stand up too and turn to the others.

"Hey, get up we have to change"

"Trueee Jesus I totally forgot"
Hobi speaks loudly at the sudden realization

"AHh..where's my backpack?"
Jimin says without even searching for it.

"You both left your stuff there. Now come before Mrs.Min comes in."
I say and go to the boys bathroom with the others following me.

"Jungkookie wait for us! That's rude."
I hear Jimin yelling at me even though I'm only tow metres away from them.
I sigh mentally and stop walking for three seconds as they catch up with me.

We enter the bathroom and start taking our clothes off.
Thank God we always remember to pick up the clothes from our lockers tow hours before practice.
I unbutton my white shirt completely and fold it, putting it inside my backpack. I then do it with my belt and trousers.
I also take off my sneakers to wear my grey sweatpants.
I finish, wearing a black T-shirt and my sneakers back on.
I look up to check up on the others.

Hobi is ready and Jimin is fixing his hair as always.

"Hurry up."
They look at me.

"Yeah, if Jimin stops caring only about his hair and nothing else"
Jimin laughs embarrassed at his comment and they finally come with me back to the practice room.

I end up entering the room third, realizing that we are late. Yes we are late.

"Kids it's the first and the last time you are coming late to my class. Is that clear?"

"Yes miss"
I hear Chim and Hobi say but I prefer not to promise anything.

I spot her sitting down to the floor leaning her back against the mirror looking as hot as ever in her comfy practice clothes and sneakers.
Her eyes are burning holes to my face and body.
I decide to return the look for a few seconds while approaching her figure, walking through the small crowd of our classmates.
I sit down beside her.

I ask turning my head to her direction.
She turns her head too making the distance between us too small to not make me tempted kissing those soft and unique lips of hers. Or not stare at her emotion full eyes till I get lost in them.

I stop daydreaming at the sound of my name being called.
"What did you mean by "later"?"
She bites a grin back and looks into my eyes with curiosity.
"Why are you so impatient? You will ruin it."
She chuckles ironically.
"I just want to know what's on your mind"
"You are smart, I'm sure you can imagine."
This is not the right time for the tension to rise but I can see that we can't help it.
"You are going to like it. That's all that matters."
I say and look at our teacher which is about to tell us about what we are all going to do today.

"Split up to pairs and pay attention to what I'm doing"

We stand up and my fingers play with hers softly without holding her hand.
She looks up at me smiling.
I nod to her to pay attention to the teacher.

"I will show you four specific moves. After you memorize them, each pair has to create a choreo including all of these moves."

"Sounds fun"
I mumble.

Your P.O.V.

I pay as much attention as I can to the moves that we have to do as our teacher shows them to us with detail.
They aren't very difficult. Jungkook must have already memorized them.
I start getting slightly worried as I realize that I'm about to dance with one of the best dancers in here.
Anyway I think I'm now ready to try the moves with him.
Im about to turn to him but I suddenly feel two soft and warm palms touching my bare waist, rubbing smoothly.
"Shall we start?"
He speaks in my ear as his lips brush it up and down.
How am I supposed to concentrate?
I decide not to submit so easily to all this teasing and turn around to glue my eyes on his big and dark ones.
"With which move do we start?"
I ask as if I my heart wasn't about to explode a moment ago.
"The most important thing is that we mustn't loose contact"
He says and grabs my hips uniting our bodies with a powerful yet easy move of his hands.
I exhale deeply at the intense contact but try to keeping focused.
"Now, the point is to do the exact opposite moves from mine, okay?"
"I know that already smartass"
He smirks.
"Let's see it then"
He steps forward with his right leg and I instantly move my left one back wards.
I look up at him.
"I'm sorry for doubting your abilities miss"
We burst out laughing.
"Just keep moving"
I say and look down on our bodies ready for the second move.
He presses his hand on my lower back to recreate the intense contact between us and steps to the side and I follow doing the opposite.
I decide to take the lead for a few moves and don't wait for him.
Suddenly, loud music fills the air and we both smile to each other.
I start dancing, using the right moves, keeping my torso glued to his getting him by surprise.
He still manages not to miss a single moving perfectly against me. A few seconds later he takes the lead again.
We are moving in sink, back and forth, right and left and in small circles using all the four basic moves we had too.
He leans in to speak against my lips
"Don't tense up,your heart is beating super fast"
"It's not because I'm tensed"
I respond looking deeply into his sencere gaze.
He smiles and presses more onto me and rests his forehead on mine.
"What is it then?"
He smirks and I can't believe we move so naturally now. We don't even think about the moves. We keep on dancing along with the strong melody and getting more intense at every beat, following the flow.
"You're smart. I'm sure you can imagine"
I say as I recall his words.


Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now