30. seniors

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These 3 days passed quite painfully but at least we were talking to each other every day.
We would always make late night video calls to talk about whatever we want...
I can't believe how patient she is with me all the time..
Even though I'm being stubborn and immature a lot of times, she never bothers or complains.
She accepts all of my flaws and she shares my happiness.
I miss her so much..
Her voice, her eyes, her touches, her smile...
But FINALLY tomorrow it's the day I've been waiting for.
School starts.
It's the first time that I'm so happy about such a fact.
Oh we're gonna have so much fun...
I'm about to keep my promise and she knows it
I'm gonna punish her as I said...the thing is that she won't let me leave, will she?!

Tomorrow morning, at school

We're seniors now...

Oh god, where is she?

I can't stop looking around as I don't she her face anywhere...
In a few seconds I finally find her. My heart starts beating so fast and adrenaline fills my senses. I just realized how much I missed her all these days..

She looks a bit lost in the crowd of students that's filling the school yard.
I can tell she's looking for someone too.
And this is the moment when our eyes meet and I'm standing there speechless unable to move an inch.
A deep breath leaves my mouth and my lips start to curve upwards
I feel like I'm blushing due to a girl for the first time
I want to run, hug her and lift her up to feel her legs wrapping around my waist but I can't because of the crowd..
When our principal appears and everybody gets quiet we can finally approach each other
Her face lights up from happiness and so does mine
I smile widely at her and lower my head to place my lips on her forehead
"I missed you so much.."
I say in a low tone only for her to hear
"I missed you too"
she chuckles nervously and I feel a pleasurable pain on my chest 
I stand beside her, holding her hand tightly but soon I realize that it's not enough.
My fingers leave hers and I slowly wrap my arm around her back to pull her closer
She gasps but moves closer to me slowly
She looks up to face me and I giggle while tightening my embrace
She nods me to come closer so that she could speak in my ear

"I love you"

She whispers and I immediately kiss her cheek without giving a damn about the numerous people around

"I love you too"
I whisper back in her ear and bite her earlobe right after

She gasps sweetly and I start thinking about what we're gonna do later...

After searching for her in the entire building I finally find her locking her locker
I run to her and grab her wrist 
We start running to the boys' bathroom and as long as we're inside I lock the door..

"I guess we're not going to class are we?!"

"No we're not"
I say intensely wondering how I could wait for the whole three first classes
I start walking towards her and she walks backwards till her back hits the wall
I stop when our faces our inches away and grab her hips tightly.
I smash my lips on hers as both of her hands wrap around my neck
My right thigh is pressed between her legs adding more and more pressure every time my lips find hers 

"Ready to get punished babe?"
I ask breathlessly, smirking through the kiss

She answers with a shaky breath
My fingers find the buttons of her shirt and start unbuttoning them slowly leaving kisses at every inch of her newly exposed skin...I leave marks everywhere as I promised and I hear her breath getting heavier
Her chest goes up and down as she starts sweating
I go all the way down to her body..
"Lift your skirt babe..."
She does as I say and pull her panties down carefully

My tongue immediately attacks her wet area...  
As long as I leave her a deep lick I put her panties back on and stand up, ready to leave the bathroom
But as it was expected she grabs the collar of my shirt..
Thank god the first buttons were unbuttoned or else she could tear it apart
She pushes me against the wall and stares right in my eyes


Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now