36. Idea

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She gasps at the sound of the bell but doesn't stand up from my lap.
She puts my sweatpants properly on my crotch and pecks my lips softly...

And it's a fact: Y/n could never ruin the moment.
I smile softly at her and she returns the expression.

I need to get myself together as quickly as I can since class starts in a few minutes.

We stand up and grab our stuff, ready to leave the practice room.

As we start walking away from the room that now holds special memories for us we stumble upon Jimin and Hoseok seeing them wearing their uniforms again.

Me and Y/n forgot to change.

She looks worried as she realizes.

The guys are now smirking at us probably thinking about possible reasons that didn't let us change our clothes till the time being..


She clears her throat turning her head to my direction expecting for some reaction.

"It's ok. Just find a good excuse for not have changed your clothes and so will I "
I say and give her a reassuring look.


Your P.O.V.

Luckily my teacher believed me and nothing went wrong. I hope the same happened to Jungkook.

I am now heading outside where I'm supposed to meet him. He insisted on walking me home today since during all these years that we've been classmates he has never done it.

A warm smile forms on his thin lips as my eyes meet his.

He locks his fingers with mine and we make our way to my house...

There is a comfortable silence between us. I feel relaxed and complete as I feel his thumb brushing my skin in circles.

"Do you have a lot of homework?"

He asks as if he had been thinking about it.

"No, how about you?"

"I don't have much to do either."

He smiles widely.

"Why so happy?"

I raise an eyebrow. What have he been up to again..?

"There is no chance I tell you"

"Is that so?"

He avoids my eyes.

I can't believe this person.

Soon we arrive at my place and I turn to him

"See you tomorrow.."

I say, not really happy since I start missing him with every second that passes by.

He hugs me tightly and places hand on my neck making me look up at his features.

His face approaches mine and I close my eyes waiting for one of the most pleasing sensations ever.

His soft and thin lips curve against mine delicately and I copy his actions immediately, kissing him softly.

Out hearts are beating so fast and I think Im loosing my breath from just a simple contact

He sighs and pulls off

"See you.."

I enter the house.

It's always empty at this hour since my parents are at work.

My brain and heart never stops to go crazy at every thought of him that crosses my mind.

These days seemed endless.

I run to my room and throw my bag to the floor as I always do.

The sound of my message notifications echoes and I jump lightly since I'm moving while thinking deeply about him.

I take my phone in my hands.

"Finish your homework as fast as possible tonight."

What's with him being so demanding?


"And make sure to drink a coffee"

"? What's on your mind ?"

"A lot of things. You will be happy to find out baby."

"I trust you"

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now