21.we're supposed not to

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We continued eating as his parents were asking the ususal stuff to get to know me better, which was really fun I have to admit.

They were really nice people and fun to talk with...

My parents would never be so comfortable talking to Jungkook from the first time they met him..

Anyway, every person one the table has finished eating and Jungkook's dad had started a business convertation with Jungkook's mum.

I stand up picking up my plate to go wash it and Jungkook follows

I'm ready to open the faucet but his hand stops me.

"For god sake you're a guest here, don't ever think that you should wash anything while you're staying at my house"

I turn to face him. He looks at me with a serious look..his dark brown eyes focused on my face.
He is so cute that I can't resist and squeeze his cheek with my free hand.

"Thank youuu, you're so kind!"

I say cutely and let go of his cheek
He looks at me surprised and shook by my sudden reaction.


I hear his mom say and we both turn our heads to her direction immediatly
I can feel my face turning red and his does too.


"What? I just think you two are cute, what's wrong with that?!"

"Nothing..Anyway! Mom, dad please wash the dishes, me and Y/n will go to sleep now! Goodnight!"

He says and grabs my wrist making me follow him upstairs. I wave to his parents goodnight as they seem to hold their laughter from Jungkook's actions.

"Goodnight guys!"
They say and burst out laughing.

We rush into his room, he closes the door and pins my wrists on the bed as he smashes his lips on mine
I kiss him back until he pulls away to breathe

"Ahh..you know...you didn't have to drag me here like that...now your parents will know what you wanted to do.."
"Yeah..cause the fact that you are spending the night in my fucking bed wouldn't make them imagine anything..."  

He responds ironically and agressively while smirking at me and I'm blushing like hell
He looks so hot right now..
Before I could react he attacks my neck making me moan..

"Fuck babe...be quiet.."

He said against my neck and he continued living hickeys everywhere
I bit my lips trying so hard not to expose the pleasurable feeling he's giving me through any sound

His left hand lets go of my wrist to make its way  under my pijama caressing my tummy and covering my breast right after, palming it slowly but still roughly

"Jungkook..ah..we should ah..stop..."
I say breathlessly .
He says and gives a last lick on my neck making me gasp...
He lets go of my other wrist and gets up from the bed

"Let's go brush our teeth"

He says while chuckling... I follow him in the bathroom...
We look at each on the mirror and smile
We are blushing like idiots..

Jungkook's P.O.V.

We finally finish brushing our teeth and go to my room again..
I'm so excited to share my room with Y/n tonight...I mean I've never done this before...I've never shared my bed with anyone...
my bed was always the place that I went when I was sad or confused...it's my personal place...and now I see her laying on it  comfortably..slowly entering my world...
I can't keep my eyes from her..

Her hands reach her shorts slowly pulling them down to her ankles taking them completely off leaving her with her underwares and the oversized T-shirt of her pijamas.
What the hell is she doing??! We are supposed not to do stuff tonight since my parents are here.

"What are you doing??"

I ask getting really confused and trying not to look down at her bare smooth legs that were wrapped around me a night ago..
Fuck I'll have a boner...I will kill this girl...

"What? Oh that..you know.. I never sleep with my bottom pijamas on..."


I ask nervously as I try not to get too ''excited''

"I don't know...it's a habit that I have since I was little...I can't get used to wear anything more than my panties and a blouse to sleep.."

"So..you'll be sleeping like this.."
"Well shit..."
"What's wrong?"

She asks and a smirk starts growing on her lips
Oh she definetly knows WHAT'S WRONG.

"I'm fine!"
I say loudly and turn around so that she won't see what's happening down there.

"No you're not.."
She smirks and comes closer...fuck..she grabs my arm and turns me around to face her
My face is probably red as a tomato as I'm terribly upset with the whole situation....
Why would my parents have to be at home tonight...


Thank you for reading, I love you, you are all so important to me.

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