26. tease me

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" Can I..dress you up?"

She smiles


She approaches my bed and lays down comfortably.

I check the towel that's wrapped around my waist and go sit beside her.
I start unfolding the towel that is wrapped around her body but I blush immediately and look away, unable to look at her wet body any longer.

I'm the on who asked about this so I have to finish it.

I take her clothes and underwear in my hands and start.
I slide her panties all the way up to her thighs but I can't resist and kiss softly her smooth area and a whine leaves her mouth..

I pull her underwear all the way up to her legs and take her bra to continue.
After clipping it I hear her soft voice.

"Can I help you put that on?"

She asks looking at my boxers with a light smirk on her lips.
Oh shoot I wasn't expecting that.


I answer hesitantly as I see her getting excited and she is about to find out out that I am too.
She sits up and pushes me lightly on the bed so that I lay on my back.

Her hands touch the towel that's wrapped around my waist taking it slowly off my body, revealing my excited self.

I shiver as my sensitivity is fully exposed in front of her and my breathing gets a bit heavier, making my chest go up and down..

She hasn't even done anything and I am already in such a condition damn it.

My gaze remains concentrated at hers as I feel her soft palms contact my thighs..

She doesn't stop to staring into my eyes while approaching my erection with her mouth
My chest can't find its peace as her lips touch my tip.

Why is she even going so freaking slow??

The front part of her tongue starts going up and down my length making me go numb..
Helpless soft moans start leaving my mouth..

I can't stand it when she teases me and she knows it. But she keeps on doing nothing about it.

She pulls away and reaches for my boxers.
She slides them all the way up my legs but stops when she reaches my mid thighs to leave a peck on my tip making me leave a sound of deep frustration escape my mouth.

She finally puts them on my body properly and looks at my eyes to see my reaction.

"I've never suffered from teasing that much in my life"

I sigh throwing my head back to my pillow as I decide to stay patient this time.

Your P.O.V.

I can't do anything but chuckle to his statement as he is now getting up from the bed to start putting his clothes on. I do the same and that's the moment when I hear a message notification from my phone:

"Come home right now"


"What's wrong?" He says and lifts his head to look at me with his big dark eyes and I can tell he understood before letting me answer.

"You have to go?"

I sigh from frustration..

"I don't want to leave"
I admit and approach him to burry myself into his warm embrace.

He sighs against my ear while wrapping his arms around my body, comforting me.

It hurts that I will be alone for the next four days. I mean, I will be with my parents but even with them I feel totally isolated. The only person except my best friend that makes me feel like I worth something is him.

The only person that gives a meaning to everything I do. 

"Please, smile"

I hear him say and looses the hug to look at my face

I smile weakly at him..
"I will miss you so much"

"I will be video calling you  and texting you everyday and I will come over to see you"

He says with a reassuring smile on his handsome face.


"I don't think they will tell me to go away!"


I chuckle looking away as I can't handle the fact that his gaze isn't leaving my face.

We put on the rest of our clothes on and I'm still trying to deal with that pain in my chest..with that little voice inside of my head that keeps reminding me of how slow these days will pass.

I check my backpack to make sure I didn't forget anything.

Before we exit his bedroom he grabs my hand and plants his soft lips on mine for one more time.

The contact gets tensed making both of us exhale deeply when he pulls away.

We smile to each other and start going downstairs.

"Bye!! Thank you for having me!"

I gritted his parents who where resting in the living room

" Bye!! It was really nice to meet you Y/n!!"

I exit their house with Jungkook following me. 

"You don't have to come with me, its ok"
"Are you sure?"

He raises an eyebrow

"Yes it's ok"

I smile at him and he comes closer to wrap his arms around me tightly. He breathes out softly against my ear.

"I will text you when I get home" 

I say against his chest.


He let's go of the hug and kisses my cheek sweetly and I still can't get used to these unexpected contacts.



He chuckles to himself and goes back inside.


Hey guyys!!
I'm sorry for the late update, it won't happen again!!
I love you all so much
Get ready for the next chapter😉

Body And Soul: J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now