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Hey girlypops!!!!

Here is chapter one!!! I hope y'all like it. 💛

Enjoy folks!!

Jack was only in town for two days for their anniversary.

It was their two year anniversary.

The first thing Jack did when he landed in LA was buy Zach flowers and get them dinner. He rented a car and drove to his hotel. He then went to surprise Zach since the younger boy didn't know that he was coming back for their anniversary.

He parked the rented car in front of Zach's house that he shared with his best friend, Olive.

He grabbed the flowers and walked up to the front door. He took a breath before he knocked. Olive knew he was coming so she was going to record it for him.

"Hey Zach can you get the door?" Olive was sat at their dining table that was opposite from the front door. She had her camera facing the door and recording.

Zach was confused but he did it anyway. He got up from his seat at the couch and set his laptop on the coffee table. He unlocked the door and opened it. It took him a moment to realize it was Jack standing on his porch.

"Holy shit! What are you doing here?" Zach didn't know how to react.

"Do you really think I would miss our two year?" Jack smiled at Zach. "Now kiss me you dummy."

Zach didn't take much convincing as he cupped Jack's face and kissed him. Jack wrapped his arms around Zach's waist and pulled him close. Zach pulled away and hugged Jack as he tried to catch his breath.

"And that's my que to leave. I'll be at Olivia's house until tomorrow night. Have fun but not to much fun!" Olive stopped her camera and picked her back up from the side of the couch. She picked her phone up and moved passed the two lovers.

"Bye Liv." Zach gave her a quick hug.

"Oh and use protection kids!"

Zach flipped her off and hid his head in Jack's shoulder.

As soon as Olive left Zach put the flowers in a vase. He set them on the kitchen table. Zach looked at Jack who was watching him with fond eyes.

"What?" Zach chuckled as he wiped his hands on a towel.

"I love you." Jack walked over and wrapped his arms around Zach from behind.

"I love you too Jack." Zach set his hands over Jack's and leaned his head back on Jack's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I can't be here more. I wish I could. Three more months. That's it." Jack kissed the side of Zach's head and rocked the two back and forth lightly.

"I know but it's okay. You're living your dream and that makes me happy. I'll love you no matter what and you know that." Zach turned around in Jack's arms and cupped the older boy's cheeks. He pressed a sweet kiss to his lips.

"You're the best."

"Yeah I know."

Jack just laughed and pressed a soft kiss to Zach's lips once more. "Let's have dinner."

The two ate and listened to music. Jack couldn't have been happier to be back and he tried to forget the fact that he was leaving in two days to go back on tour.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now