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Hey girlypops!!!!

What the gosh darn is up?

I did a lot of research for this chapter so y'all better enjoy it. 😂💛

Enjoy this bad boy. 💛

[six weeks]

Zach woke up and threw up around nine in the morning. He did the same thing every morning. He woke up, threw up, brushed his teeth, and made breakfast.

Today was different because he was posting the video from Jack's birthday. He took a shower and got dressed. He sat at his desk and typed up the description for the video. He read it over before pressing the publish button.

He stood up and walked out of the room. Their furniture was being delivered today so Zach was staying home until it all came. He also let Jack use his car for the day.

Jack had also gotten a lot of his unpacking done. He had put all of his clothes away and some other stuff. There were still quite a few boxes left in the extra room.

Jack was currently at a meeting about their upcoming album. They were just discussing their press tour and the release date.

His family was also going to be in town for a few days. That made him nervous. He still hadn't told his family that he was hopefully going to be a dad in eight months.

Jack had no idea how the hell he was supposed to tell them. Like was he supposed to go 'surprise Zach is somehow pregnant because we fucked and now I'm going to be a dad and twenty years old! Also I'm never going to be home because I'll be on tour!"

Like what?

Jack was terrified. Not because his family wasn't supportive of his relationship with Zach but because it was a lot of information to take in.

He was also anxious for Zach. Zach was stressed and worried for his appointment in two days.

He knew that Zach was scared that his doctor would tell him that their baby wouldn't make it and that they should be prepared to lose it.

He knew that Zach almost broke down everyday because he thought he had already lost it.

He knew how badly Zach wanted this.

He also knew that Zach was only pretending that he didn't mind that Jack wouldn't be around much.

Jack was so gone for Zach. He could read the boy like a children's book. He cared about Zach more than he did himself. He was so in love with the younger boy that it pained him to know that he was leaving in less than a month to go back on tour.

He tried his hardest not to even think about it but it was impossible when he was reminded of it everyday.

"And that's all we have for you guys today. Have a good day."

Jack was snapped out of his daze and smiled. He shook hands with all of the important people and left the room along with the guys. He pulled out his keys and said bye to the guys before walking to Zach's car. He unlocked it and sat in the drivers seat. He leaned his head on the steering wheel. He just sat there until his phone dinged. He pulled it out of his pocket and smiled when Zach sent him a picture of all of the Ikea boxes in their living room.

He texted him back saying he was just going to get some groceries and then he was going to be home.

He set his phone down and started the car. He drove to Target and went inside quickly. He grabbed a cart and walked through the isles grabbing food. He also got Zach some flowers just because. He also got some necessities that they would need that they didn't have any of.

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now