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Hey girlypops!!!

So this is hella long. I hope y'all like it. Also this takes place before James Charles was cancelled so relax. Please and thank you. 💛

Also an update that is only five days later and not several weeks later? Who the hell do I think I am?

[thirteen weeks two days]

Today was the boy's last show in Asia. Their album was also dropping soon. Five days to be exact.

Zach was anxious. He had successfully reached his second trimester but that just meant things were even more risky.

He was just glad to go home. He liked traveling but he was tired. Growing a baby inside you is exhausting and traveling definitely does not make that any better.


Zach looked up from his phone to look at Jack. Jack smiled at him.

"We are going on in five minutes. Kiss?" Jack leaned down and cupped Zach's cheeks.

"Anything for you I guess." Zach leaned up a bit and connected their lips. "There you go. Good luck baby."

"Thanks love. I'll see you in a bit." Jack smiled and followed the other boys out of the room.

Zach decided not to go see their show tonight but instead get some rest and maybe do some work. He put on Jack's sweatshirt and laid on the couch. He hadn't planned on immediately falling asleep but that's what he did. He was really tired and needed the little bit of extra sleep.

He only kinda woke up when the guys came back into the room after the show. Zach was still in the same position he started in, on his side. He still has his hood up and his hands were hidden in the sweatshirt sleeves and pressed to his chest.

He kept his eyes closed and let out a heavy breath. He was in that weird spot where you're not fully sleeping but you're also not fully awake.

"Woah guys be quiet we have a pregnant boy sleeping on our couch." Jonah kept his voice hushed and nodded towards the boy. The other three noticed Zach and quieted down. Jack took his jacket off and laid it over Zach's body when he noticed the boy's shivering slightly.

"Doesn't he leave tonight? Before us?" Corbyn changed his shirt and sat on the other couch.

"Yeah he has an appointment the day we were supposed to be leaving so he is leaving tonight so he can make it." Jack sat down on the couch that Zach was on and put the boys legs on his lap.

"Oh okay that makes sense." Daniel sat down next to Corbyn. "I am so tired. I'm ready to go home and sleep forever. Approximately seven years would probably do the job."

"Until the book tour." Jonah took a drink of his water and sat down in a chair.

Jack frowned and looked down. "Yeah until that."

"You still haven't told him yet have you?" Jonah raised and eyebrow and looked at the younger boy who kept his head down. "Jack we've known since way before all of this. Since May first."

Jack slowly shook his head. "I know. I wanted to tell him in person when I came home for our anniversary but he was so happy and then I forgot. And now I'm going to be a dad. What the hell am I supposed to say? Like hey you're going to be five months pregnant but don't worry I'm going to be gone for another month. How am I supposed to tell him without making him upset?"

"Well you could start by actually telling him." Zach sat up and stretched. He stood up and grabbed his backpack. He pointed to Jonah who raised his eyebrows. "Time? Please?"

Oh Baby! // Jachary au Where stories live. Discover now